Chapter 33

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The sound of the phone ringing woke me up from my dreams. I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung also shifting a bit due to the sound and then sat and picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello....yes ok I'll be there soon." He said while I sat up too. "Good morning Taehyung." I said.

"Oh good morning princess." He said and turned around hugging me and I hugged him back too.

We sat like that for about a minute and then Taehyung began planting kisses on my shoulder.

His kisses were really soft on my shoulder and he slowly put his weight on me while kissing my neck now.

I wrapped my hands around his back as he hovered over me and brought his lips close to mine lightly brushing it.

"Taehyung I've not brushed you know that....not now please." I said and he smiled and pecked my jaw.

"I don't care" He said and kissed the corner of my lips. "And I like everything raw....if you know you know." He said smirking and kissed the other corner of my lips.

He tightened his grip a bit on my waist And kissed me below my ear. "Tae" I said but he silenced me.

"Shh baby" He said and finally placed his lips on mine softly. We both kissed each other slowly and softly. Soon he sped a bit which led me to hold his shoulders.

He pulled back and smiled at me. "Come we need to get up and go also." He said standing up and extending his hands to help me get up and I held his hand and stood up.

I took new set of inner wears and clothes from the bag and went inside the washroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.

Inside the washroom , there was seperate area for brushing and for showering.

I brushed my teeth and was about to remove my clothes when Taehyung came inside.

"Oh my god Taehyung." I said keeping my hand on my chest. He laughed a bit and kept his hand on my waist pulling me to him.

"What happened darling huh...I just came here to brush." He said and pecked my cheek.

"You go and take a shower while I'll brush okay?" He said and I hummed and nodded going inside the the other small glass room to take a shower.

I stripped my clothes and stood under the shower head enjoying the cold water running over my body.

As the water poured over my body I began thinking about Taehyung. The way he always kisses me , holds me , smiles at me warms my insides.

I'm really falling hard for him. I didn't wanted him to kiss me or show any physical affection so that I could easily hand him to the police.

But he is making every step hard for me. Whenever he looks at me even makes me week for him.


I peep out my head and see Taehyung is not here so I wrap the towel over my head and around my body and came outside.

I lock the washroom and wear my bra , panty and jeans and a t-shirt and come out from the bathroom.

I see Taehyung sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone. Now it's the time to put my plan to action.

"Um Taehyung I took shower you can go too now." I said coming to him and he stood and nodded keeping his phone on the bed and went inside the washroom locking it.

I took a deep breath and took his phone in my hands scrolling through it to find anything related to my use.

I kept on looking back also to check if he can come or not. While scrolling I opened his message section and clicked on each message contact.

In the message section I didn't find anything related to my information. So I backed away from it and decided to call my boss.

I dialled his number and a voice came after few rings. "Hello" My boss said and I answered it.

"Hello sir it's me y/n and I don't have much time but I am stuck in Hawaii with Kim Min Kyu's Son Taehyung." I said in one breath while looking back towards the washroom door.

"Oh ok" He said while I added more. "Sir please quickly track the location from this phone call."

The showering sound was stopped and now Taehyung could come anytime. "Sir I have to keep the call now." I said "ok ok don't worry we will come there soon." He said and ended the call.

I also quickly deleted the call history and kept the phone on it's original place. And the moment I kept it Taehyung came out.

"Oh yo-you came." I said calming down my breathing. "Yes princess" He said and then I relised that he just had a towel around his waist and the water was dripping down his wet hairs travelling down towards his collarbone.

I kept my hands over my eyes and went out of the room. I took a deep breath once I reached out. My breath literally got stuck when I saw him with his wet hairs and body. I also removed the towel from my hairs and began rubbing it to dry them.

Time Skip

We had our breakfast already and now were inside the car going back. "Taehyung we again have to go back from where we came right." I said with a sad pout.

He smiled at me and pulled me to him. "Yes we have to princess." He said and I nodded.

"It's also in Hawaii right?" I asked him and he pulled back from me and bit his lip.

"Yes it is but why are you asking it suddenly now?" He asked me with doubt laced in his voice.

"N-no Taehyung I-I just wanted to know t-that's all." I said and smiled at him. He nodded and again pulled me to him hugging me.


We both reached and then had lunch at the first place. While eating I kept on thinking about my boss. I just hope he comes fast here.

I feel bad for doing this to Taehyung. I hate when people say lie but I am doing the same but whatever I am doing it's good for the country.

After lunch I went to my room and read some books and painted a bit while Taehyung was in his room the whole time.

It was now evening time and I went inside Taehyung's room to find him doing something on his laptop.

I sat on his bed for some time and then layed on it a bit when I felt him hovering over me.

"Ahh y/n my darling I need you." He said and kissed my arm trailing the kisses upwards to my shoulder , ear , cheekbone , cheek and finally kissed me on my lips.

I also kissed him back because I knew it is the last kiss. We both kissed each other for a good long time and he roamed his hands all over my body.

He went to my stomach and lifted my t-shirt a bit revealing my belly button and he kissed me there till my bra could be seen.

He removed my t-shirt and kissed me all over my stomach and neck when suddenly there was a loud sound coming from every where.

He stopped whatever he was doing and got up taking out a gun from the drawer and gestured me with his fingers to be silent. I did what he said and wore my t-shirt back and sat on the bed.

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