Chapter 2

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Taehyung POV

Jimin and me , we both looked around and saw a table empty and sat there.

"Jimin you sit.... I'll go and give order."

"Ok sure , Taehyung."

I stood up and went towards the counter. There was a lady standing back facing me and I wondered how would she look.

"Excuse me." I said and saw the lady turn around.

"Oh sorry may I help you?" She said pushing her hair strings behind her ear.

"Hm can you please give two hot chocolate and two sandwich which are displayed over there." I said pointing towards the display cabinet.

"Yes sure will be $8" She said while typing on the monitor in front of her.

As she was typing and I was taking out my wallet I noticed how pretty she is , she had long black straight hairs till her waist.

And she had broad forehead with no bangs instead hairs were on either side of her face.

"Here you go...$8" I said and extended my hand to pay her. She smiled and took the money.

"Sir you may sit I will bring your order soon to your table." She said.

"Ok thank you. I said and turned around and head to my table where I saw Jimin scrolling through his phone.

"Gave order?"

" will come soon." I said and stretched my legs and sat.

I wanted to see that girl more so I sat resting my back a bit facing towards her and saw her filling our cups and keeping it on the tray.

I also noticed that she was wearing track pants with a T-shirt and was quite stern looking from her face.

When I saw her coming towards us , I quickly sat properly and looked at the window.

"Excuse me Sir here is your order... Two hot chocolate and two sandwiches." She said and kept the food on the table and I saw her beautiful slim fingers."Thank you." We both said and bend forward to eat. While eating I saw her working again. She had stern look but I saw her smiling at every customer which came.

She was a different girl as compared to others. As she wore tom boyish style clothes instead of long frock like the other girl working there was working.

Keeping all these thoughts aside I enjoyed the warm hot chocolate and sandwich.


By now we both had eaten and we both stood to go back home. I looked around and tried looking at the girl to whom I gave the order but didn't find her.

Taking a deep breath I turned on my heels and made my way outside. I took my phone from my pocket and scrolled it .

While scrolling I didn't realised that someone was coming from the entrance and I accidentally hit that person.

"Oh I am so sorry....are you alright" I said immediately and kept my phone inside my pocket.

After saying I then realised the girl I bumped into was the same girl I gave order.

"Oh no problem....and yes I am alright. Are you fine though?" She said smiling apologetically

"Yes I am.....thank you." I said and smiled at her.

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