Chapter 8

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You all three searched for a while and saw a small restaurant. Seeing it , you all went inside and sat at one of table shown by the waitress.

"Here are your menu." The waitress said while placing the menu on the table. Me and Taehyung took the menu and began choosing what to eat.

I decided to have rice with some chicken soup which I will share with Kangsu. And Taehyung decided to have some chicken noodle soup.

We told our order to the waitress and after sometime our food came. I fed Kangsu and I also ate side by side.

We Both talked with each other for a while like what we like or dislike or which music and movie we like.

After eating , the waitress came and we both contributed together and payed the bill.

After coming out of the restaurant I faced Taehyung and thanked him. To which he smiled and nodded at me.

"Thank you once again Taehyung. Now I'll get going. I have to see my sister and then come back at 5:00 PM to open the bakery."

"Okay sure...Go safely and bye baby." He said to me and Kangsu. We both smiled and went back home.


As I reached home I prepared some rice and hot soup for both my sister and her husband.

Also , I took Kangsu to her room and made her sleep and I also took a small nap for an hour.


It was evening time now and I decided to take Kangsu with me. But she was not wanting to because she wanted to be with her parents.

So I went to the bakery alone. I saw Taehyung standing outside our bakery , I smiled at him and we both went inside.

"Where is Kangsu?" He asked me. "Oh I am so sorry...Actually she was becoming stubborn and wanted to be with her parents so I let her be." I explained to him while keeping cookies inside the jar.

"Oh ok no worries that is also fine." He said while turning the board to OPEN.

The rest of the evening also went smoothly. All the work was happening with ease.

Soon it was last customer already and she had also left and we both decided to close the bakery. But just then a loud voice was echoing inside. It was none other than a lady who used to be our neighbour.

"Aww baby how are you y/ have grown up so much. And wow you got married this handsome man your husband." She screamed while pinching my cheeks.

"Aaah auntie no it's not what you think aaahhh my cheeks." I said while removing her hands from my cheeks and then began rubbing it.

She went towards Taehyung and pinched his cheeks too. "Take proper care of y/n okay? And I want to see my grandchildren soon." She said while looking at both of us. And I swear I was so embarrassed right now.

She was not even letting me speak and on top of that she demanded for grandchildren.

She is like a mother to me but at least she should listen but she didn't. Soon her phone was ringing. "Oh I need to go , there is an important call. I will have to go...bye bye take care." She said in one single breath and left.

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