Chapter 27

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After I got ready Sia took me downstairs inside a hall and it was decorated beautifully.

"Please wait a minute here ma'am." She said and I nodded and then she went outside of the hall leaving me alone.

After some seconds I heard footsteps and turned around to see it was Taehyung. He was wearing a trouser and shirt and stood in front of me.

"Taehyung wh-why am I here?" I asked him but he didn't say anything and inched more towards me and extended his hands to me.

I looked at his hand but didn't take it. "Let's eat and then talk." He said and tilted his head to the side waiting for me to take his hands but again I didn't.

He let out an irritated sound and instead held my arm and took me towards the table.

"Leave my hand" I said and he made me stand near the chair and then left my hand to pull the chair , then again held my arm harshly making me sit.

I rubbed my arm as it was paining a bit. He sat too at the chair opposite mine. He ringed a small bell kept on the table and soon three waiters came with plates and all the things required for eating.

They placed the fork , spoon and a knife at the side with a plate in front. They served us meat and some bread along with rice and soup.

After they left Taehyung began speaking. "Enjoy the food and eat well." He said and started eating the food.

I was hungry too but my anger for him was not letting me eat anything. I sat there looking at the food in front of me and then eventually started to eat.

"I know you have a lot of questions and want the answers of them." He said as we both were done eating.

"Yes I do have , where am I and why did you bring me here?" I asked him. He stood up and came to me tilting my chair to him as he bent down to look at me.

"I cannot tell you that dear." He said with a smirk and I just wanted to punch him then and there but controlled my self as I still needed answers.

"What about my family , my sister. She must be worried for me." I said feeling emotional.

"Do you think I don't know anything about you. I know who you are and for whom you work. I told your sister that you are on mission." He said and I was surprised to know that he knows I am in police.

"Taehyung why are you doing this?" I asked him.

"I can't see you with Jason and I hate him. And when he hurted you...I couldn't stand it.

"So you killed him." I said as tears started to fall from my eyes.

"He was my friend Taehyung come on and your answer is not relevant." I said wiping my tears from my face.

"Answer me Taehyung. Why did you killed Jason. However he was it's ok but y-you....You were not like this.

You broke my trust which I had for you.
It was all fake acting of yours right. You always said lie to me and my sister and I hate you Taehyung...I hate you." I said as more tears fell from my eyes. I was feeling bad and angry on myself.

Taehyung stood up a bit back and kept on looking at me. He didn't have any change on his face. He was just cold and didn't feel anything.

I stood up in anger and held his collar. "I hate you Taehyung do you hear me I HATE YOU AND I REGRET EVERYTHING I DID FOR YOU AND WITH YOU." I said loudly and cried loudly as my voice could be heard.

I still held his collar "WHY DID YOU DO THIS TAEHYUNG ANSWER ME....I SAID ANSWER ME." I said while shaking his body.

"HE KNEW WHO I AM AND WANTED TO EXPOSE ME OKAY." He answered loudly while shaking my body too.

The moment I heard everything it felt like I don't have any more energy left in me and I felt weak from my heart. I was feeling bad for Jason , he came to know about the truth and wanted to expose Taehyung but he killed him.


"SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP...IF YOU WANT TO BE ALIVE KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT." He suddenly yelled making me flinch.

He held my arm and began taking me with him. "Taehyung leave me...You are hurting me." I said but he ignored me and kept on walking.

We both were walking in a corridor and reached a room. He entered password and his eyes were scanned by a machine attached outside on the wall.

Then we both entered inside it and Taehyung still held my arm tightly. I looked around and saw that the room had a screen in front and a Projector.

He left my arm and did something on the laptop there and then it played on the screen in front of me.

It was showing that it was a room , a dirty and messy one. There was a person tied around a chair with head hanging low.

Soon the lights of that room were on and I then relised that it was none other than Jason.

His face had various cuts and marks along with some blood coming from his neck.

"Oh My God Jason." I said looking at Jason and then at Taehyung. I was terrified looking at him.

Though I am a police officer but still seeing my friend like that made me afraid of Taehyung since I didn't know where I am and also didn't have anything to protect myself.

"Are you seeing what happened to him. It can happen with you too if you don't behave properly with me." He said coming closer to me.

"Please what have you done to Jason. Leave him please." I said crying and pulling his arms.

He kept his hands on his ear and said. "Yes go for it." And then I saw some men coming towards Jason and they began beating Jason.

Jason fell down and one man kicked him and the other one punched his stomach and more blood pooled from his mouth.

He became unconscious and they were still beating him and I was crying nonstop feeling bad for Jason.

"No no please don't...Jason. Taehyung please leave him what do you want." I said as tears were keep flowing.

"Stop" Taehyung said and immediately the two men stop and went out of the room and the screen which was showing all this switched off.

"Taehyung what did you do to Jason. Why can't you leave him he has nothing to do with all this.

You have problem with me right. Then please leave Jason....Please." I literally pleaded to him while joining my hands.

"Oh no no princess no it's nothing like that you don't worry." He said like an evil and kept his both hands on my waist pushing me back towards the wall caging me between his arms.

I was still crying and he left my waist from his one hand and took out a gun from his pocket placing it on my forehead.

I was panicking as I was alone here and that too felt weak from all this sudden news I got in one single day.

"I won't harm you if you will behave like a nice girl. And if you didn't then..." He said and was sliding the gun downwards and stopped at my chest.

My breathing increased and he came more closer to me and licked my ear lobe slightly and said. "Then you will be like Jason as you had seen him." And then pulled back.

Then he held my arm and took me out of the room taking me to the room I was earlier.

"Sleep well baby girl." He said and then closed the door. After he was gone I cried loudly on the bed remembering Jason and the words Taehyung said to me. Then eventually I drifted to sleep on the bed.

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