Chapter 36

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It was now lunch time and all of the department members were having lunch while some of them were working.

As I am in a senior post here so nobody ask's me where and why am I going or doing.

So as I decided I slowly go downstairs where all of the cells were. There were only two gaurds standing at the door with guns in their hands.

I was walking when one of them began asking questions to me. "Excuse me ma'am where are you going?"

"Um I just came for a round here." I lied and they agreed and then I continued my walk going for Taehyung's cell.

All the locks here were the smart locks so we just needed to enter pin and the door opens and all the pins were same for each cell.

There were cameras here so I needed to be careful because none of the staff of mine knows I am here.

I reached and stood two cells before Taehyung's and took out a button from the dress I was wearing and threw it on the wall beside me which made it hit directly on the camera button and that stopped the working of camera.

I took a deep breath before entering the pin of Taehyung's cell. The door opened revealing Taehyung sitting and then he looked at me a bit surpised.

I entered and closed the door behind me. "What are yo...." He was saying but I kept my finger on his lips silencing him.

"Shhh nobody knows I am here." I said and he smirked and relaxed himself where he was sitting.

The cell was not so bad here. It had white walls and white floor along with a small bed and a sink nearby.

I sat beside him. "Taehyung I..." I began speaking but he interrupted me instead.

"Why are you here?" He asked sternly with a poker face.

I let out a deep breath and faced him. "Taehyung you need to trust me...I know what I did earlier doesn't let you trust me but please trust me whatever I will say to you now."

He looked at me and then stood up. He pulled me to him and pushed me to the  wall behind.

"Taeh...." I said but he kept his hand on my mouth and other hand on my waist. "Be quiet for a moment."

I nodded and then he pinned my both hands above my head on the wall with his one hand.

From the other hand he roamed it all over my body. I was about to punch him but then I realised that he is checking if I have any sort of device on me.

His hands roamed from my legs to my stomach going up and was about to touch my chest but be stood and pulled back.

"Okay now say....I'll listen." He said and sat back again. So I also began speaking. "Listen Taehyung firstly I am sorry that I had to lie to you and yes I only updated my department and that's how they arrested you.

But actually it was not completely a lie. When I said I love you after eating dinner I-I actually meant it....Even now.

And whatever I did outside while interrogating you was all because of my love for the country."

My vision was getting blurry because of the tears. I looked at him watching me crying.

"I thought that if I will arrest you I would feel hatred towards you because you did a lot of crime and then eventually I will forget you.

But I was wrong because the love I have for you is really strong that even I can't deny it and believe me it was really tough for me to bring you here."

I said as tears were continusly pouring out of my eyes. He stood up and got closer to me.

"Are you sure you love me?" He asked me. "Yes" I said surely.

"So it means now whatever you are saying to me is surely not your plan but it's genuinely you?"


"How can I trust you huh after all of this you want me to trust you?" He said and I knew he is right but I am also really sure of myself and my decision.

"Tell me how can I trust you...can you prove me what you are saying is true?"

He asked me and I am sure what I am about to do next. So I just went closer to him and said. "You want proof right?Here it is."

I said and attached my lips on him , kissing him which led to loose his balance a little and was about to fall.

But I pulled him from his collar and kept on kissing him. He also began kissing me back with the same speed and intensity.

Our lips moulded perfectly with each other as they were meant for each other just like Taehyung is for me.

He kept his one hand on my waist and the other on the backside my neck tilting my face so that he could deepen the kiss.

I could feel love pour out from the way he is kissing me right now. I wrapped my arms on his neck and poked his lower lip from my tongue.

He slightly opened his lip but before I could do anything he sucked my lower lip and then upper lip and then again kissed me.

He pushed me to the wall while kissing me and then brought his lips to my neck kissing there as well.

I pulled him up to me and again kissed him but this time I pushed him to the wall and sucked his upper and lower lip and finally pulled back in need of oxygen.

"Want more proof now. You know I don't kiss if I don't mean it." I said looking at his eyes.

He pecked my lips. "I trust you baby." He said and then we both hugged each other standing there for a good minute and then I pulled away.

"I need to go now baby because they don't know I am here. But I will come here tomorrow okay?" I said and he nodded.

I smiled and pecked his cheek and then began going out when he hugged me from behind. "Darling don't break my trust this time." He said.

"Promise I'll not." I said and then went out making sure nobody sees me. I reached my cabin feeling better.

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