Chapter 35

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It had already been an hour and now I was going to meet Taehyung to get answers from him.

I reached inside the room where other staff were standing looking at Taehyung from transperent window in between.

"Sir I'll ask him." I said and the other staff nodded at me. Then I took a deep breath and went where he was sitting.

It had a table and two chairs. On one chair he was sitting with handcuffs and just opposite him I sat.

His face didn't show any remorse instead he was sitting with full authority with handcuffs like a badge of honor and that he is a king and we all come under him.

I cleared my throat and began asking him. "So Mr. Kim Taehyung...Son of Kim Min Kyu huh?"

He looked at me and said "yes" Boldly. "Do you know what your father has done all this time and that it's so wrong." "Yes" He said boldly again.

"And what you are doing is wrong too Taehyung. We caught you and that day is near too when your father will be arrested too."

I was speaking to him but he didn't looked at me instead smirked and smiled all this time.

I tried to ignore it but it was getting on my nerves. I hate when people don't pay attention when I talk and he is doing the same thing.

"We know what you did all this time Taehyung....I know what you were doing behind my back when I was in the bakery." I said and he looked at me and just started laughing making my blood boil.

"What's there to laugh Taehyung?" I asked him getting irritated.

But he just slowly stopped laughing and opened his mouth shoving his tongue out and from his right hand took out a pin from his mouth and then smirked back leaning on the chair and spread his legs.

It actually turned me on a lot. The way he made eye contact with me the whole time doing this and now his man spread is distracting me and I know he knows this.

"So what you know Ms. Y/n?" He asked me which led me to look into his eyes instead of his legs spread in front of me.

"I know that you killed two people Taehyung...One who was a womanizer and the other one who was going to expose you.

And on top of that you killed Jason in front of me who was also about to expose you but what you instead covered it by saying you love me."

"So you know it...Of course." He said looking at me and licked his lips seductively.

He was not feeling anything but his every movement and actions were boiling my blood with anger.

I was really done with his attitude and banged my hand loudly on the table. "STOP YOUR SEDUCTION AND PAY ATTENTION." I said and his eyes darkened looking to me.

"Why...are you getting seduced Ms. Y/n" He said keeping his both elbows on the table looking at me.

"I-I'm not and better pay attention." I said not letting myself get effected by him.

"To whom?" He asked biting his lips slowly. "TO ME YOU IDIOT." I said loudly and he raised his eyebrow.

"Sure Ms. Y/n I would love to pay attention to you and every body part of yours." He said stopping his gaze on my chest.

I swear I was done with him and I just stood up taking out my gun and pointed at his chest.

The staff who was looking at both of us suddenly came into action and began speaking to me in the Bluetooth earpod I was wearing.

"Y/n don't do anything stupid. He just wants to anger you and you are letting him effect you.

Take a deep breath and do everything carefully. Your every move here is working for us...for the country."

I took a deep breath but didn't remove the gun from his chest. He stood up too looking at me in the eyes like he is challenging me.

"I and you both know you will not shoot me." He said calmly. "well you are wrong Taehyung I can shoot you." I said  showing full confidence.

But he is right I cannot shoot him because I love him. I know I said that to him but it was a part of plan but now when I actually come to think of it I really love him.

"Trust me y/n you cannot." He said while winking at me and kept his hand on mine which was holding the gun.

I don't know what happened to me but his touch made my insides turn upside down. I began feeling my heart heavy and I felt like crying.

"Taehyung stop not a single move." I heard staff say while coming to me where I and Taehyung were.

Taehyung kept on looking at me and pulled me to him making our bodies touch each other and he kept his one hand on my mouth and he kissed his hand which was still on my mouth.

The moment he pulled back the staff came and held him. "Come now" They began saying to him while I then realised he gave me kiss indirectly.

He smirked at me and then was pulled outside of the room towards his cell in the jail.

Soon the room was empty just with me and I began crying. My heart was feeling really heavy. I sat down on the floor with knees in front of mine and kept on crying.

I cannot do this and see this. I really love Taehyung with my whole heart. I even ignored the feelings I have for him and arrested him but I don't think I can do any more.

I know that he is a criminal and he committed a lot of crime but I love him. I am faithful to my job but I never thought something like this can happen to me.

I slowly stood up and went to my cabin and sat there thinking what can I do. I cannot lie to my county , but I cannot deny myself that I love him. I cannot roam around freely when I know my heart is with Taehyung.

I tried ignoring my heart and arrested him but what happened. At last I am the one with pain in my heart.

I thought that maybe I will able to forget him in front of the love I have for my country but after all I am a human.

I am human first and then an officer. I also have feelings like any other person on this planet.

After sometime I decided to think calmly and had my lunch Before the actual lunch time since I didn't ate anything since so long.

After eating lunch I decided that I will go to Taehyung's cell and ask him whatever I want too. Because I know he and me , we both cannot be free with each other if my staff will be with us.

So I asked one of the staff causally that where is Taehyung's cell. First he was not ready to tell me so I just made an excuse and said. "I just want to know his one like I know everyone's else cell." He belived on my saying and told me where his cell is.


But he just slowly stopped laughing and opened his mouth shoving his tongue out and from his right hand took out a pin from his mouth and then smirked back leaning on the chair and spread his legs.

The dialogue above , you can refer to this scene below (imagine him looking like this while doing it)

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