Chapter 31

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I woke up due to the light coming from the window. I stretched my arms and sat on the bed looking at the clock , 8:30 AM it showed.

I stood up and went inside the washroom to brush my teeth and then take bath. My clothes were not here but I took bath and wore my bathrobe.

My inner wears were also to be come as Sia always gives me new set of inner wears whenever she brings clothes for me.

So now I was only in my bathrobe without the inner wears waiting for her to come with the new set of clothes.

I sat on the bed waiting for her and side by side thinking about the plans to escape too.

Soon Sia came and wished me morning and I did too. She kept the clothes on the bed and then left the room. I took my clothes and inner wears inside the washroom and wore them. 

After about half an hour Sia came back with a tray of food and placed it on the bed and turned around to leave when I stopped her by asking her something.

"Sia is Taehyung here?" I asked her as per my plan.

"No ma'am he isn't here but he will be here at the dinner time. Why is there something you need?" She said and I shake my head as a no.

Then she left and I sat too and ate my breakfast. This time it was a sandwich with cheese and cream.

After breakfast I read some books and drew a bit also. I had already planned on how to escape from here and arrest Taehyung.

It would be done quicker if he was here at the breakfast time but now I have to wait till dinner.

The rest of the day went smooth. Lunch was on time as always and since a week I was getting tasty things like I am in a five star hotel.

After lunch I napped for an hour and then did some painting and completed my rest of the drawing.


It was 8:00 PM and anytime soon Sia can come and call me for dinner. My heart is beating fast because from now my plan will start.

There was a knock on the door and Sia came inside. "Ma'am the dinner is ready." She said and I hummed and stood up to go with her.

I took deep breaths while walking and then I sat in front of Taehyung as everyday.

He looked at me and smiled at me. "Hey princess how are you?" He asked me and as per my plan I smiled back and answered him.

"Hey I am good thanks and how are you?" I asked him too. He seemed a bit surprised as I never ask him back. "I am good thanks princess." He said and then we both began eating our dinner.

Time Skip

We both had already eaten our dinner and Taehyung stood up to go but I stopped him.

"Taehyung wait" I said and he stopped and looked at me. "Yes princess" He then said.

I stood up without responding him and stood in front of him and hugged him. He was taken aback by my sudden action but slowly wrapped his hand around my back.

"What happened princess?" He asked me but again I didn't answer him and tightened my grip on him even more.

"I-I actually understood now that I need nobody else but you Taehyung." I said and he pulled me back to look at me properly.

"What really y/n?" He asked me with a light chuckle and I nodded my head with a smile and further said.

"Really Taehyung , you know that I love you from the start but when I got to know that you-you are a criminal....I didn't like that but you care for me so much.

You brought me here and never harassed me or hurt me in any form. You never harmed me Or my family. You just brought me here.

And not only that but you brought paints , books and brushes in an instant when you got to know that I get bored and feel lonely."

He was listening everything I was saying attentively without stopping me in between. I said these with such emotions that he has to believe what I said.

"Y/n I'm glad you are feeling this way but...if I got to know that this is all your plan then I will forget that I love you." He said sternly with a sharp gaze.

I gulped down my saliva because I only knew that it's the truth. I have to show him that I love him so that I could earn his trust and then get information from him and get out from here and arrest him.

I smiled at him and hugged him back keeping my head on his chest. "It's not a plan Taehyung...I really." I closed my eyes not believing I'm doing this.

"Really love you." I finished and opened my eyes and pulled back. He ruffled his hairs and kissed my cheek.

"Great then and you know I love you too." He said and suddenly picked me up bridal style.

"Tae-Taehyung what are you doing?" I asked him while holding his shoulders to balance myself.

"Taking you to the bedroom." He said and I 'okay' him and let him do what he wants because I don't want to do anything that makes him angry otherwise my plan will flop.

He took me to his bedroom and placed me on his bed. He then closed the door and sat beside me.

"I am so happy today that I can't tell you princess." He said and I showed him a fake smile.

It would be a lie if I say I don't like his touch , smile and everything. I like that all but I can't let LOVE overtake me in my job.

He Commited crime and for that he will get arrested and will be punished. Even if for that I have to act to show him that I love him.

He stood and switched on the lamp on the bedside table and switched off the main light of the room.

I don't know what he will do but I hope whatever he does doesn't effect me too much.

He then suddenly began removing his shirt and I gulped down my saliva. I don't want any of this thing to come in my plan.

"What are you doing Taehyung?" I asked him a bit loudly causing him to chuckle. "Don't you think we should celebrate it like that since you finally said what I wanted to hear." He said after he removed his shirt completely and was shirtless and coming to me.

"Shit" I said mentally and didn't know how to stop him. "Umm Taehyung I understand you b-but I-I'm tired today Taehyung." I said trying hard to not let him do what I think.

He chuckled loudly this time and said. "Relax baby I was messing with you. I am in a habit in sleeping shirtless that is why I removed it."

And that said made me relax. I was really afraid because I didn't wanted that to happen.

"Oh-oh okay" I said and then layed down on the bed as he came too and layed beside me.

I layed on my back facing the ceiling. I soon felt Taehyung's hand on my waist hugging me to sleep.

I again didn't oppose him as per the plan and let him do. "Good night baby" He said and I wished him too and soon went to sleep.

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