7: Callie

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Shout out to commenters last chapter for making the comments section so livey! Thank you jueka1 , amiva0402 , and brightyeolie .


The rest of our first week back passed at a snail pace, with Lexi hogging Sara for most of it. So once the weekend finally rolled around, I was relieved to think I would surely have a break from Lexi's annoying presence considering we barely interacted at home except when we were watching our show with mum.

But as I walked back to my room Saturday morning after my shower, I came to a pause as I passed the spare room.

Door open, the aircon running at full blast mixing with the living room a/c, mum was inside pulling new bed sheets onto the pillows.

"Why are you setting up this room?" I asked her.

Mum threw the pillow down on the bed and shot me a raised eyebrow before turning back and picking up the other. "You know why."

"I thought you were joking," I responded.

"In what world would I joke about this?" she replied, finally yanking the other case on. Heaving a sigh, she fell onto the bed, patting the spot beside her on the mattress.

Gripping at my crutches, I propelled myself across the room, taking the seat beside her.

"Why are you so against him staying here?" mum asked.

"Because I don't want to see him," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well... he's moving here. And he's definitely going to want to see your sister, so at some point you would run into each other anyway."

"But he doesn't have to be here."

"It's only temporary. Until he finds his own place."

Scoffing, I said, "You've said that before..."

"Callie," mum reprimanded, brows furrowing. "It's been a long time since those days. Much has changed."

But I still wasn't ready to cave. "Why can't he just stay with his family?"

"We are his family too."

"Says who? As far as I see it, you are my only family."

Mum rolled her eyes in response. "So your sister isn't your family?"

"I have a sister?"

"What about Aunt Jojo?"

She got me there. "Okay. You and Aunt Jojo are my family."

"And Grandma Kate?"

I heaved another sigh. "Fine. You, Aunt Jojo, and Big G." Yes I call my dad's mum Big G. Don't judge me.

"And how about your other grandparents?"

Pressing my lips together, I thought about mum's mum and dad. "Grandpa is cool but Grandma... She still talks really loudly to me. Like, somehow, missing part of my leg affects my hearing."

"My mum is... She struggles to understand things outside of her comfort zone. But she tries with you."

I rolled my eyes in response. "I rest my case. But this guy," I said, waving at the bed she was setting up for him, "Is an absolute stranger to me."

"Callie," mum warned again.

But I didn't want to hear it. Grabbing my crutches, I pulled myself back up and hobbled out to the hall. Though on my way back to my room, Lexi's door opened.

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