21: Lexi

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Thank you to  jueka1 , brightyeolie , and amiva0402 as per usual for their lively comments.


"How'd it go?" I asked Callie when she walked into the house Thursday night.

But she just shook her head at me, frown slipping onto her face.

"Oh... why not?" I pressed.

Glancing at our parents lingering in the kitchen, she nodded her head towards the bedrooms. Silently, we crept down the hall, slipping into her room and closing the door behind us.

Falling onto her bed, she pulled off her leg and took off her slip, revealing red agitation to her skin.

"Oh damn," I exclaimed, sitting next to her.

She gingerly pressed her fingers to the red welts, hissing at the touch. "Way too much walking, and I'm totally not accustomed enough to my prosthetic yet for so much movement..."

"You should have taken your chair," I said softly.

But as I met her gaze, she was grimacing.

"What?" I asked.

"And how would I have gotten it into Ashton's car?"

I bit my lip in response because she had a point. "Crutches?"

"They take up a whole back seat. Nothing says 'kiss me' like a girl hobbling..."

I heaved a sigh. "Why did Flynn—"

"It's not his fault," she quickly interrupted, face turning to her lap.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I watched the morose stir on her face. 

Callie snagged her bottom lip between her teeth before taking a deep breath and telling me the events of the night—from the numerous breaks in walking, to the security guard pocket checking Flynn for racist reasons, and to Fraser sitting in the back seat.

I shook my head. "Definitely need quiet activities with no walking in future."

"I agree," she sighed. "But maybe next time... If Ashton isn't already turned off by the fact I ruin all the fun with my disability." Then she fell against the bed, picking up a pillow and groaning into it. "I wish I was normal," I heard her softly muffle.

Falling to the mattress next to her, I whispered, "Normal is overrated, Cal."

"What would you know?"

I went quiet.

"Exactly," Callie sighed as she pulled the pillow away.

"If he shuns you for your leg, Cal... I'm not going to say you lose the bet."

Her eyes swelled with sorrow. "I know he likes me... or is at least interested in the idea of me. Well he... he was. But after tonight..."

"Tomorrow will tell," I then said before she could doubt herself any further. "For now, don't fret until we know more."

She nodded slowly and the room fell silent, just the sound of her fan ticking above us filling the space.

After an endless amount of time passed, I said, "Did that guy seriously ask Flynn to turn out his pockets?"

"He did."

"I'm going to beat him up. And when I'm done with him, I'm beating up Fraser."

"I'll bring my leg... as my weapon though."

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