46: Callie

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Alright... let's do this.


A few weeks passed like that. Everyday I'd walk onto the school grounds with Lexi by my side, but no sight of Flynn anywhere.

The spare seat next to me in maths and bio grew cold.

His table across the way at lunch remained vacant.

I missed his smile.

I missed his eyes.

I missed his heart.

But life went on. One assignment after the next was handed out—our final internal tasks before the big external exams next term. Yet every time we went through a new assessment, I wondered how Flynn was coping with it all. Was he still doing his education from home? Would he stay on track? How was he going in maths?

Of course... I tried texting him these questions.

And in the first week, I called every day.

But the calls rang out.

The texts went unanswered.

And I heard nothing from him.

We were three weeks into the term when I finally saw him again. And the reunion... well, it was far from how I imagined it going.

"Callie," Miss Fischer whispered to me in the middle of bio in second session on Wednesday. "It's time for you to go."

Head whipping up from the paragraph I was reading in my textbook, I glanced over at the clock on the wall, eyes going wide.

"Shit," I hissed, quickly throwing my things together.

"Callie," Miss Fischer warned.

"I mean... Oh shoot?" I tried, blinking at her innocently.

Miss Fischer and I glanced at each other a couple of seconds until finally her face softened and she said, "Hurry along."

Things together, I bid Sara goodbye and walked outside to collect my bag. Everything in and zipped up, I headed over to the office to sign out. 

Mum was already inside waiting for me, paper signed to excuse me from school for the rest of the day.

"Have a good appointment, Callie," one of the office ladies said as I pulled open the student door into the reception area. After giving them a small thanks, I joined mum as we walked out of the office.

Though we didn't make it far when a familiar face came into view, bringing my feet to an immediate stop.

Eyes on the ground, bag over his back, non-school uniform shirt adorning his torso, Flynn was slowly making his way towards the office unaware of me standing right in front of him.

"Flynn," I immediately called out, unable to stop myself.

His head snapped up, and immediately our eyes met.

Though there was an unfamiliar vacancy in his eyes—one that I had never seen before. And one that I hated.

But as he recognised me, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly and his eyes softened.

"You've got ten minutes," mum whispered into my ear. "I'll be in the car."

With that, she took off past Flynn, leaving it up to me to close the distance between us.

"Hey," he mumbled, though he was looking anywhere but me.

Not knowing what to say or do, I did all I could. I took the final steps that separated us and threw my arms around him.

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