68: Lexi

67 6 61

Callie who?

Enjoy this chapter...

Thanks to jueka1 for already commenting on the last.


The school felt the need to involve us in our formal preparations. As such, for the final two sessions of Friday, most of us year 12s boarded a bus to accompany the teachers to our selected venue where we'd inspect the premises and plan table layout and such to inform the decorating company.

The reality was, only a couple of us cared enough to get involved in these discussions and most of us left it to the few.

But it was a perfect opportunity for Flynn-Callie Bonding Time.

Flynn had made a habit to sit with us every day at lunch at my invitation. And sat next to Callie in every class under the guise of 'needing help'... even though he was mostly still on track with biology.

And of course he was dragging out tutoring sessions from their obligatory one hour to two every day. While his maths skills were improving, Ashton and Luke strongly recommended he continued to play dumb so that she couldn't back out on it.

On Friday, Callie had her leg back on finally. So she walked onto the bus behind Sara and I. But, as planned, Flynn was just behind her, and Ashton and Luke behind him.

As Sara and I quickly took a seat beside each other, Callie reluctantly sat down on the bench in front of us. Immediately as she turned to see who had followed on behind her, her face fell as Flynn was already sliding into the spot next to her.

Gaze lifting, she glanced at Ashton with a 'help me' look to her stare, while Ashton just shrugged and walked past her, making a point to sit on the other side of the bus so that she couldn't talk to them.

And as Callie turned in her seat to talk to me and Sara, I quickly yanked Sara to me, pressing my lips to hers to keep Callie away from us.

After sensing Callie had righted herself in her seat, I pulled back from Sara and we both immediately casted wary glances her way. All the while Sara's hand found mine, fingers lacing between my fingers.

Ears tuned forward, we did our best to pretend we weren't listening, all the while waiting for Flynn to strike up his conversation with her.

"So... I heard you and Ashton had a thing for a while," he started.

Sara and I winced at his topic of choice, all the while Callie said in a wary voice, "I guess you could call it that... it wasn't anything really though."

"That's not what he thinks."

Sara leaned over to my ear, whispering, "Is he trying to set her up with him?"

"Who knows," I muttered back, trying to have faith that Flynn knew what he was doing, though slowly losing confidence.

"I... ah..." Callie then stumbled. "Ash can think all he wants but... there's nothing going on with us... really."

The tension in Sara's grip of my hand began to relax as we both recognised the familiar stutter and her incessant assurance of her feelings.

"I'm glad to hear that," Flynn then said.

"Y-you are?" Callie asked, top of her head seeming to turn towards him.

"Of course I am, Callie," he said, voice low.

Next we heard, my sister cleared her voice and leaned across her seat towards the window. "Okay," she mumbled.

"So," Flynn then said, shifting closer to her, "What happened while I was gone?"

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