48: Callie

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jueka1 this Callie chapter still won't give you the resolution you're seeking...


My eyes—tired and sore still from the constant bursts of tears that came out of me throughout the afternoon since Flynn broke up with me—danced around the room as my heart thudded in my chest. A part of me was excited to find out what person, after all these years, was able to capture Sara's heart. But, at the same time, I felt hurt that she hadn't told me.

I had felt us drifting apart ever since Lexi arrived. Though it seemed my sister and Sara had more in common than we did.

Though with Flynn in the picture all this time, I didn't have much of a chance to feel that hole forming in me from her absence. Because I had filled it with him.

But now...

Catching Sara like this though, blanket clutched to her chest, eyes wide and fearful, made me wary as to why she'd be so scared for me to find out who she was hooking up with.

Who could they possibly be—

But as the person under the covers began to move up, I realised who was under there before their head appeared.

Because my eyes immediately zeroed in on her backpack.

Please be wrong... please be wrong... I pleaded. 

Then I asked, "Is that my sister's bag? Where is she?" 

Because why would Sara be in here hooking up with someone and my sister was elsewhere?

Sara gripped even more forcefully at the blanket, pushing at the person who was trying to come up.

But Sara lost the battle and eventually her blonde and purple head poked out, blue eyes swirling with apology.


Surely not.


"What's going on here?" I asked, determined to be wrong. Certain this had to be a complete misunderstanding. While I knew Sara was bi, Lexi was... well... she was doing the kiss list with me!

Lexi wiped her hand across her mouth before reaching over Sara for her school shirt.

I stood in the doorway—Flynn's breakup and my afternoon appointment a distant memory in current circumstances—as I watched both girls fumble to put their clothes back on.

Sara and Lexi?


Surely not.

Lexi... she did the kiss list with me, I told myself again. Unless she's bi...

And Sara... she wouldn't do this to me.

There has to be some reason that—

What reason? She was checking for a mole on Sara's leg UNDER the covers?

My heart began to thud in my chest and that familiar sting returned to my eyes. I was surprised I had any more tears left in me after the crying jags that continuously erupted at the doctor's office and in the car rides, absolutely overwhelming mum.

She didn't want to drop me off here.

But I was determined to be with my best friend after the afternoon I had.

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