47: Lexi

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Apparently the last chapter destroyed jueka1 so I have to upload another... but I don't think this will help.


"We should," Sara said between kisses on my mouth, "Tell Callie," another kiss, "Tonight."

"I don't think," I replied between kissing her back, "That's a good idea."

She pulled away from me at my comment, but I was too lost in the moment to compute why. Mouth immediately plunging for her neck, my fingers began to fumble with the buttons on her school shirt, desperate to remove the layers between us. We didn't have long until Callie would be here and I needed a good dose of Sara.

But two hands forcefully gripped my shoulders, pushing me back.

A little breathless, a little lustrous, I searched her face wondering why on earth she would stop me. But then I saw it. The sadness lurking in her midnight eyes.

"We need to tell her tonight," she said.

Heaving a sigh, I took a step back, needing the distance from her honeysuckle and lavender scent to be able to have a coherent enough discussion with her. "She's still sad about—"

"No," she said forcefully, bottom lip jutting out and eyes beginning to water. "Don't you dare start that argument again."

"Sara," I said softly, trying to take a step towards her to close the distance, but again, she wasn't having it.

She took a step away, shaking her head. "Tonight, Lex."

"We can't," I sighed, shoving a hand through my hair as I turned away, sick of this fight.

Though it wasn't always me arguing against telling Callie. Sara and I would go back and forth when she decided she couldn't stand keeping this secret from her. I'd convince her that Callie wasn't ready. And about a week later, I'd finally start to believe her points, only for Sara to be totally convinced that we actually couldn't tell Callie.

We were always back and forth on this.

So as the argument was evidently starting again, I got ready to pull out the same points we seemed to be throwing at each other to keep us hidden from Cal—she wasn't emotionally ready for such a hit and we weren't ready for her to hate us—only for Sara to hit me with, "I'm sick of hiding us at school."

That was a new one.

"I get Callie is not ready. She probably never will be and she will probably hate us for this. But I can't stand everyone thinking you're straight. Everyone thinking you're single. I want to be out and proud to call you my girlfriend. I want to take your damn hand in class and kiss you in front of our friends and get scolded by our teachers for not keeping things PG at school." While she tried to sound confident as she spoke her words, eventually her voice ended up cracking at the end, her bottom lip quivering and tears starting to well in her eyes.

"Sara," I said softly, trying again to close the distance.

This time she let me.

Arms grabbing her waist, I pulled her body against mine as I rested my head against hers. "I'm so proud to call you mine. And I assure you me holding back from telling Cal isn't because I'm scared of coming out or any—"

"I know that. I know you're not ashamed of me or anything... I'm not blaming you in any way. I just... I don't care anymore if we hurt her in the process. I'm sick of hiding me. Hiding us for the sake of her."

My brows pulled together as my heart battled with what to do. I wanted to join her in the 'screw what Callie thinks' tirade, but, "She's my sister."

"And she's my best friend."

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