18: Callie

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I'm feeling generous. Here, have another today. I didn't proofread it so if you see mistakes, just shout out!

Thanks already to amiva0402 and jueka1


"So," Ashton started as he plopped a chair by our table, sitting in it so that his front faced its back, "Which of you is going to date Fraser?" Miss Brooks was in the middle of talking over an assessment with one of our peers before history started, meaning we were all chatting to kill time.

"Not me," Lexi and I said in unison. And while Lexi turned to smirk at me—being overly friendly since I woke up to her cuddling me yesterday morning—I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Jinx!" we both then called at the same time.

"Jinx!" we said once more.

"Jinx!" I then quickly got in before she did.

Lexi's nose scrunched up.

Meanwhile, I wagged a finger at her, a grin forming on my face as I exclaimed, "Aha! You owe me a drink."

"Whatever," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

But as we both slowly turned back to Ashton, his mouth was open in shock. "Do it again," he said.

"Do what," I asked.

"That weird twin thing you just did. That was so—"

But then a small white object flew across the room, hitting Ashton in the head.

"Ow!" he yelped, hand going to his forehead as he gingerly rubbed the square mark it had made. Bending down, he picked up the culprit: an eraser. "Sara, why would you—"

"Stop treating Callie and Lexi like they're attractions at a zoo. Twins are people, not animals," Sara scolded.

Ashton shook his head at Sara, shooting her another glare for good measure, before turning back to me and Lex. "Anyway, before I was rudely interrupt—"

Another white object hit Ashton square in the head.

"How many erasers do you have, woman?" he gasped.

"Not enough," Sara glared. "For the record, you weren't interrupted. You got sidetracked making fun of them."

He heaved a sigh and held onto this eraser as he turned back to us, trying once more to speak. "Anyway," he started, eyes warily flickering to Sara before going back to us, "Fraser thinks one of you is going to date him because you both kissed him at the party."

Lexi scoffed, muttering, "As if."

Meanwhile I laughed and said, "He wishes."

And Ashton narrowed his eyes, looking between us. "Then how come you both kissed him?"

Lexi pretended to be amused by her nails as she nonchalantly replied, "I was bored."

Meanwhile I quickly blurted, "Flynn dared me."

Ashton's eyes narrowed even further as his gaze flickered between us again. Then, finally, he relaxed, sitting up straight in his seat. "Poor Fraser. His dreams will be crushed. I must say though, Callie, I was surprised to see you at a party, let alone kissing someone!"

Glancing down at my book, I started doodling in my column, acting disinterested in the conversation. "Yeah well... I'm in high demand these days," I tried saying in a cool-like fashion, but I was certain everyone heard me choking on how ridiculous my words sounded coming out of my mouth.

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