34: Lexi

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Thanks to jueka1 and amiva0402

Shorter one but another chapter coming on the weekend...

Time for some Lexi and Sara ;D


My door creaked open in the late hours of the night and Sara's familiar frame filled my vision.

Gently closing the door behind her, she scurried across my bedroom before leaping into my bed and snuggling herself into me.

"Proudly reporting Callie is snoring away," she whispered. "I thought she'd never go to sleep. She was tossing and turning forever like something was bugging her."

I wanted to join Sara in her worry, but knowing Flynn liked her back and might even confess to her soon... whatever worries she had would surely disappear soon as she began to fall head over heels in love with her first boyfriend.

"Well she's asleep now and we are together. That's all that matters," I said back to Sara, pulling her closer to me.

"Indeed," she purred, mouth finding mine in the darkness.

Immediately, the heat in the room turned up as our lips and tongues moved slowly yet passionately. Our hips grinding up against each other. Our hands tugging at the clothes that kept our bodies apart.

As Sara slowly pulled my pyjama pants down my legs, fingers then immediately hooking around my underwear, she whispered against my thigh as she kissed her way up, "Happy birthday, Lexi."

I didn't get a chance to say anything back as she continued to kiss me and kiss me and kiss me until my eyes rolled back into my head and my body was shaking in delight.

Sara had a naked leg draped between mine as we stared at each other in the darkness, arms wrapped around each other.

"Sara," I whispered to her.

"Mmm?" she responded, and I could hear the smile and joy of release still tainting her tone. Shortly after she had finished giving me my 'belated birthday present', as she called it, I decided to give her something right back.

"I want to tell you something but I'm scared you'll freak out."

She pulled back in my hold again, head slightly tilting in the darkness. "I won't freak out. You know you can tell me anything without judgement, Lexi."

"It's not the judgement I'm worried about... it's just that... Maybe you'll think it's too soon?"

She went quiet in response... either she knew what I was alluding to or was trying to figure it out.

As I began to take her silence as code for don't say whatever it is she then whispered, "Tell me then..."

"I..." I started, the words I so desperately wanted to say getting stuck in my throat as my heart began to hammer in my chest.

Lexi... it's only been a week. This is foolishly fast.

But we've been holding hands and been close forever. I've been falling for her for over four months now.

But what if I scare her away by saying this... what if she just wants a bit of fun? We haven't even told Callie and everything was on the down low. Even if she's my girlfriend, it's still too soon...

"Go on," Sara urged.

"It's okay," I then whispered, unable to get it out.

I started to turn my head away, feeling the sting in my eyes as the fear of doing or saying something wrong that would lead to me losing her continued to bubble inside me. But her hand shot out, stopping me from looking away.

"I love you," Sara said, tone full of confidence.

And my heart stopped.

Those three words bounced around in my mind and soul, lighting me up from within. The very three words I was scared to say, Sara took the leap of spilling them out into the safety of the night for me, making it even more easy for me to finally confess, "I love you," right back to her.

And just like that, Sara's mouth was right back on mine, as she whispered again, this time against my lips, "I love you more."

Giggling, I rolled her onto her back as I pinned her to my bed. "No," I whispered between kisses. "I love you more."

"You sure?" she gasped as I buried my head into her neck, trailing my mouth over her delicate skin.

"So sure," I whispered.

"Then prove it," she challenged right back.

	"Then prove it," she challenged right back

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Flynn's chapter next...

Here's a meme. It's not foreshadowing. Kind of.

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