71: Flynn

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I completely forgot to include this artwork in the previous chapter so have it now. I call it "Flynn cries into Callie":

 I call it "Flynn cries into Callie":

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Anyhoo....... enjoy the chapter. Didn't proofread. Will do later.


Next week was the external exams and I was slowly running out of time.

But chances to be alone with Callie were far and few in between.

It was almost as if, since our afternoon in my bedroom, she was actively avoiding situations like that again.

At school, when I reached out to put my arm around her, she actively sidestepped my touch.

In dance practice on Wednesday afternoon, suddenly she felt sick and asked to go to the nurse, leaving me sitting on the edge, watching all of our classmates dancing.

All I had left were our maths lessons, where she sat right by me, leaned over my table as she helped me work through problems.

So on Thursday, as our last maths lesson before external exams began to tick by, that knotting sensation grew in my stomach as I realised it was now or never.

Or now and wait until after exams and chance my luck that in the week we had barely seen each other I would somehow have more of a chance.

As Callie retreated to her side of the desk after helping me with another equation, I took a deep breath and scribbled a note to her before shoving my book across the table.

Brows pulling together, I watched her grey eyes flicker over my words before lifting up and saying 'what?'

Shaking my head, I pulled back my book and added another note under my 'Hey Callie?'

You're supposed to write back, I told her before shoving the book back her way.

With a sigh, she scribbled a response and passed the book back.

Hey Flynn?

Corners of my lips turning up that she was playing along, I quickly scribbled another reply.

Slow and steady, I told myself as my pencil scratched on the page. Lead her into it before setting it up so that you can ask her...

But how should I ask her?

Surely in note form is insensitive.

Maybe I can find a way to get her to meet up with me after school... away from the library.

Maybe I can walk her home...


She shoved the notebook back towards me, her response adorning the page under mine.

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