73: Callie

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Thank you already to jueka1 and brightyeolie for somehow keeping up with these crazy uploads of mine.

I'm smashing out the end of this book. Still not sure how many chapters are left but... we're getting close.

Enjoy this chapter though ;D 


Those three words danced around my head like a fantasy. And it took a couple of blinks to bring me back to reality.

"You... like... me?" I repeated.

I was sure the exact word I had heard was wrong.

I thought he said the other L word.

But there was no way.

Absolutely no way he said—

"I love you," Flynn said again.

"Like?" I said back.

He shook his head. "I'm in love with you, Callie. I was even back when we were dating... I just never said anything in fear that it was too soon. I know it's too soon even now, but... heck. We've been friends the whole year. I think I'm allowed to admit that what I feel for you is love."

"You... love me?" I said.

He heaved a sigh before snagging his lip between his teeth. "Does this make this more awkward now?"


"I've broken you..." he mused, brow cocking upwards.

"Love?" I asked again.

"Yes," he whispered, taking another step closer. His hand reached up, pausing on its way.

But as I continued to stay frozen in shock, he seemed to find whatever confidence he needed to close the distance.

Hands gently cupping my face, his thumbs wiped away my tears. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry I broke up with you. And I'm sorry for abandoning you... But please understand I wasn't quite myself. I promise you, I will not do that again. If you give me another chance... and if you feel any ounce for me that you used to, I promise I—"

"You love me?" I interrupted him, asking the question for the millionth time.

"Yes, Callie. Yes, yes, yes. I love you. So damn much, okay? Have I made that clear? Or are you hoping if you keep asking, I'll just take it back?" With those final words leaving his mouth, worry stole his gaze and his hands began to retreat.

But before he could go too far, I hooked my hand around his neck, stopping him from going.

And while he was no longer cupping my face, I lifted my other hand to his, thumb gently stroking his cheek this time.

Shock consumed his gaze as his mouth opened and closed several times, his brain seeming to short-circuit.

But before any doubt could kick in further for him.

Before he worried about his three words he had thrown at me in utter desperation.

I yanked his mouth down to mine and showed him exactly how I still felt about him.

Flynn seemed to need a second himself to catch up with what was going on. But once he had, his arms immediately enveloped me, pushing me against the toilet block wall. And then his mouth more forcefully pressed against mine.

One hand drifted behind my head, long fingers pressing against my neck to tilt my head at just the right angle for kissing.

His other hand gingerly rested on my waist, fingers wiggling with desire to move elsewhere and to grip more forcefully, but evidently showing restraint.

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