35: Flynn

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Thanks to jueka1 and amiva0402

Now for the long-awaited Flynn chapter...

... enjoy?


As I exited my geography class and glanced across the school grounds keeping an eye out for the girl with the brown hair and metal leg, I couldn't stop the smile taking hold of my face as my eyes locked on her.

She didn't respond to my text this morning and her head was turned down to the ground as she made her way to maths. But this didn't stop me from bounding over to her and throwing my arm around her shoulder.

She flinched away from me at my touch, and my chest panged in pain.

"But if I'm right, you know Callie is never going to be brave enough to confess to you," Lexi's words rang in my ears, causing my heart to tear at the seams even further.

That's not the expression of someone who likes you, I told myself as Callie looked to the ground.

Shoving my feelings aside and putting on my friend hat, I said, "What's wrong?" Then I threw my arm around her shoulder again, ignoring her rigid response, as we continued to make our way to maths.

"Nothing," she muttered, keeping her eyes on the ground as I continued to search her face for the truth she wasn't telling me.

She had been like this since her birthday. All Sunday she gave me delayed one-worded responses and now she seemed to not even like looking at me. Last week after the creek was pretty bad. She avoided me a lot in person. 

But even then, she still texted back. And still wanted me to come to her birthday. 

Though now... now it was even worse.

She doesn't like me, my heart whispered.

Then... I thought back. Should I just abort the plan?

Miss Fischer had given up her fight in berating me for being late, eventually realising that I was doing it for Callie's benefit. So we easily walked into the classroom, our teacher barely paying us any attention as we found our seats.

I was back to taking my usual seat next to her. With the kiss list on hiatus and no need to maintain my friendship with Jackson and Zac to get us invited to things, I figured giving her company right now when she was in this weird funk was more important than ensuring my friend circle was wider. Because no friend could ever replace the role Callie had in my life.

Unable to take the dullness of her eyes any longer as she opened her textbook and started the questions Miss Fischer had set for us, I quickly scribbled a note to her.

What's wrong? I had asked her again.

Nudging her with my elbow, she glanced at the note then hesitantly met my eyes before mouthing, 'nothing.' Then she turned back to her school work.

But I wasn't having it.

Scribbling her another note, I nudged her again to read it.

It doesn't seem like nothing. You haven't been responding to my texts and won't talk to me.

She heaved a small sigh before pulling the edge of my book closer and writing down her response:

I'm just feeling unwell today.

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