67: Flynn

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Did you say... more Flynn?


Thanks to jueka1 and amiva0402 for already commenting on the last chapter. Another chapter coming in my morning.


On Tuesday we had HPE first up. And as I grabbed the pads to set up the goal posts with one of my classmates, Ashton whizzed past, grabbing it from their hands and joining me on the trek across the oval.

Great, I immediately thought. What does he want?

"I spoke to Callie last night," he started without any pressing from me as I started to strap the padding around the post.

"Good for you," I said back, trying to sound nonchalant, meanwhile I was seething that he got to talk to her at night and I didn't.

"She said you two are friends again," he then said.

My hands immediately paused, heart thudding in my chest at his words. Ever so slowly, I lifted my gaze to his face, and even Ashton stopped what he had been doing, eyebrow cocked in surprise.

"What?" he asked.

"She really said that? That word in particular?"

"Which word?"

"Friends," I quickly said, wishing he'd just answer the damn question already.

"Yes?" he replied, voice bewildered.

And I couldn't stop the grin taking hold of my face. Maybe she was being gruff with me... but if she was calling me her friend to others... to Ashton of all people...

"Anyway, I wanted to sus out your intentions with her."

Brows pulling together, I turned back to the padding, strapping the velcro together. "What intentions and why do you care?"

"Because we became really... close while you were gone. I care a lot about her and don't want to see her hurt again."

I took a few moments to finish fixing the pad properly to the pole, all the while taking a couple deep breaths to calm my bubbling anger. But in the end, as I got out a response, I couldn't stop it coming through gritted teeth. "We're friends. That's it. That's my intentions."

"Nothing more?" he then said, keeping pace with me as I began to walk back to the class group.

"Nothing more," I confirmed, though my heart whispered that it wished it were different.

"But... Is that what you want?" he then questioned, as if he could hear my inner thoughts. But let's be real... it was probably as clear as day on my face.

I came to a halt, turning to look at him. "Look, if this is some 'trying to see if she's up for grabs for yourself' thing, then by all means Ashton, try pursuing her. But if you hurt her again then—"

"I'm not the one anyone is worried about. You are. You're the one who left such a big dint in her heart... That she felt the need to rebound with so many people hoping she would move on. That I ended up falling for her over again, wishing she'd forget you so I'd have a chance. That I let her make out with me whenever she..." He trailed off, eyes going wide as he realised he revealed more than he intended to.

All the while my heart began to knot at the idea of Callie kissing others.

I had heard about it from people since I had been back.

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