37: Lexi

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Oh I slipped.


A shrill noise followed by a vibration sounded through the room, pulling me from my slumber.

Sara let out a groan as she snuggled closer into me. "Turn it off," she muttered as it continued to ring.

Peeling back an eye and grimacing at the fact the room was barely alight, I reached for my ringing phone to turn it off.

But as my sleepy eyes read the name blaring across the screen, I sat up.

Looking to the floor, I noticed Callie's bed was empty—she hadn't come back last night.

Heart pounding in my chest and fully expecting the worst, I pressed answer on the phone and brought it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked, voice shaky.

"Lexi," Callie's voice croaked on the other end.

I let out a slight relieved sigh to know it was actually my sister calling me and not that something bad had happened. "What's up?" I asked, now wary of the slight sniffles on the other end.

"I'm sorry," she then said.

"Sorry?" I asked, confused. Glancing over at Sara's bedside clock, I checked for the time—6am. "Where are you?"

"Aunt Jojo's," she said back, voice still shaky.


"I snuck out from Flynn's this morning."

"You snuck out... Wait. Is he why you're crying?" My tone was beyond mad now as I began to imagine every way I could hurt the guy for potentially harming my sister.

"Not exactly... I mean yes but... it's not his fault. Do you think you can come get me? I'm in no state to go to Sara's and I need you."

The three words that had left her mouth rang in my ears. A phrase I'd never thought I'd hear my sister utter again.

She needs me...

"I'll be there shortly," I whispered.

And with that, I hung up the phone and peeled myself away from Sara. 

"Where are you going?" she mumbled, eyes still clamped shut.

"Callie needs me. She's at my aunt's."

"Why is she there?" Sara responded, though I wasn't sure how much she was following the conversation.

"No clue. But I'll come back later, okay?"


Bending over, I pressed my lips lightly to her forehead before brushing some locks from her face. "Sleep well, beautiful."

"Mmm. You too."

I breathed a chuckle at her response, realising she definitely wasn't following. "I love you."

"You too," she whispered, snuggling closer to her pillow that was now forming my replacement.

With that, I changed out of my clothes, slipped on my shoes, and headed out of the house, ready to jog to Jojo's.

Jojo grumily opened the door for me when I arrived, not keen to be awake. But once I entered the house, she mentioned something about going back to bed and pointed to the room Callie was supposed to be in.

Heading to one of her spare rooms, I pried open the door, finding my sister sitting in the middle of the bed, prosthetic off, eyes wide and alarmed.

"What's up?" I asked as I took a spot next to her on the bed.

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