76: Flynn

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Disclaimer: No 'real' men depicted in this chapter. All are fictionalised beings from the mind of a woman who has watched and read WAY TOO MANY romance movies/novels.

Don't expect to find a Flynn. They don't exist.

Anyhoo... enjoy.

Ps. Didn't proofread. Will do in the morning.


"Look at you," mum hooted as I walked into the living room, dressed head to toe in formal clothing. "You look like those white fellas from those American teen movies!" From her spot on the couch, mum turned away from me and the TV, calling out as loudly as she could, "Deb! Come look at your nephew! He's looking real good, aye."

Not long after, my aunt emerged. And not far behind her came Charlie and Hunter, running into the room.

Immediately, the tie began to feel too tight on my neck, like it was cutting my oxygen. I tugged at my collar, and my aunt crossed the room, swatting at my hand until my arm fell limp by your side.

"You look great, Flynn," she quickly said, small smile taking hold of her face. "So don't play with your collar. You'll stretch your clothes." Then she took a step back, gaze going over me. "That Callie girl don't know what's coming for her."

I barked a scoff, feeling my cheeks turn to flames as I turned away from her. "Yeah, sure. Whatever." With that, I walked over to the kitchen, picking up my car keys—Uncle Jimmy's old car keys. "See you later," I muttered.

"Oi, Flynn," mum called as I passed the living room, eager to escape this mortifying situation.

"What?" I groaned, wishing I could just leave already.

"Treat her right, okay? Don't be taking advantage of her tonight or anything."

"Duh, mum."

"I'm serious. Keep it in your pa—"

"Oh my gosh, yes. It's just the formal. We aren't going to any parties after, alright? I'm picking her up. We're going to an event chaperoned by teachers and parents. And then I'm taking her home and I'll come back here."

Her eyes narrowed at me. "Mhmm. Just... don't be scaring her away. She makes you better."

"I know that..." I mumbled back before heading out the door. Though what really had me stumped was that she knew that.

I thought this whole time my mum had been too intoxicated to notice anything about me.

As I pulled into her driveway, my heart began to hammer in my chest. While meeting up with Callie sometimes still overwhelmed me as we got used to the newness of each other all over again, wearing this penguin costume while knocking on her door (with most likely her father answering) was bringing back the beads of sweat.

I took a couple of deep breaths before climbing out of the car.

And, with shaky knees, walked up to the door.

Then raised my trembling hand to knock.

But the door swung open before my knuckles had the chance to collide with the wood.

"We heard you pull up," Callie's mum said with a knowing smile as she evidently noted my surprise.

"Damn, Flynn!" Lexi called from inside, stepping around Sara who was standing next to her in the living room while Cory was in the midst of taking photos of them. "You wash up real good!"

With a slight groan, I said, "You sound like my mum."

Sara took a step closer—both girls in awkward fumbling movements in response to the heels they were evidently not used to—leaning around Lily to get a better look at me. "Did you get a hair cut?" she asked.

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