27: Lexi

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I had a 'good' day so have a chapter. Another coming on the weekend... though it will be a short one. Then I need to stockpile some again.

Thanks to amiva0402 , jueka1 , and brightyeolie for your amazing comments.

Now... Here we go. What you've all been waiting for...

Some answers.


Flynn had picked up Callie from Sara's place not long ago, and we were already back in Sara's room. Was I nervous about the fact I'd be spending the whole afternoon with her? You bet. But it's not like anything was going to happen beyond the handholding... I was just worried about how my heart was going to deal with the throbs of never being able to actually have her considering all of her touches were ones of friendship.

In the awkward silence that passed in the moments after Callie had left, Sara decided to put on a movie. 

And as that movie started, she shifted closer and closer to me, until eventually she was resting her head on my shoulder.

But about halfway through, I weaseled out of her grip.

"What's wrong?" she asked, pausing the movie.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I said, which was true. But I also was in desperate need of some space to take deep breaths. And I wanted to give myself a pep talk about how hope is terrible thing and I should not be wishing for my sister's best friend to fall for me when that is certainly wrong. Callie would never forgive me if I took her friend like that... let alone, how weird would it be if we broke up.

After flushing the toilet and staring in the mirror, I shook my head.

"If we broke up," I muttered, laughing at myself for even thinking the phrase. "That would require her actually liking you and being, I don't know, at least bi? And she's not," I told myself.

Heaving a sigh, I sat down on the closed toilet lid, taking another few deep breaths as I waited for the pangs in my heart to pass.

Then finally I left the room.

But as I made my way down the landing back to Sara's bedroom, Noah's door opened.

"Lexi," he whispered into the hallway, barely poking his head out.

Pausing in my step, I turned to look at him, cocking an eyebrow. "What?"

He stepped back, opening his door a little further. "Can I... talk to you for a second?"

Glancing back down the hallway towards Sara's room, I took a wary sigh before following Noah into his room. I figured I owed him a little after everything he had done, not just for hearing me out all those weeks ago, but also helping out Callie with Ashton.

But as I stepped into his bedroom, I was taken aback. I wasn't quite sure what I expected, but it wasn't this neat, sterile place. Plain blue walls, a made bed, a ridiculously organised table, and not a piece of clothing laying in a heap in sight—not the stereotypical boy's bedroom from TV. Though it was ridiculous that I was even trying to stereotype him.

Feeling a little uncomfortable in his room and dying to get back to Sara, I said, "What's up?"

"I, uh," he started, but that was all he got out. He took the moment to avert his eyes, run a hand over the back of his neck, and nibble at his lip.

I don't like this, was my first thought as I studied him.

"Well, if it's nothing, then I'm going to—"

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