49: Lexi

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How are we?

Having a good week?

I'm not. Don't ask. But I did write another chapter last night so I'll give you one more chapter now.  Don't ask for the next at the end. You have to wait until I have a moment to write another chapter or the weekend comes around. Whichever is first.

Anyhoo... Thanks Jueka1 and Brightyeolie for comments last chapter.



I was hot on Callie's heels the whole way home, begging for her to stop. 

Pleading for her to talk to me. 

Demanding that she just hear me out. 

My breath was coming out in heavy pants as I jogged many steps behind her, desperate to catch up with her and explain everything.

Sara had been in tears when I left, worried that Callie was going to hate her forever. But rather than staying to comfort her, I decided fixing things with Callie first was the best way to see both of them feel better.

And I understood Callie was mad. That she felt like she had been betrayed by us. But completing the kiss list to get back at me? Was this all really so bad that she wanted a reason to never talk to me again?

Better yet... She needed to stop being mad at me so that we could talk about the real problem eating at her: the fact Flynn had broken up with her.

This whole reaction wasn't really just because she was upset Sara and I hid our relationship from her... she was just projecting her feelings onto whatever she could grab to distract herself from her heartbreak.

"Callie, slow down," I called out after her, partially because I really wanted to catch up to her to talk, but also because it couldn't be good for her leg.

Sure, she had a little over six months to get used to it, but today she was supposedly getting a new gel cushion insert to stop some rubbing problems she was having on her stump. And while it should have been helping, testing it to this extreme already a few hours later...

"Callie!" I screamed, starting to run after her now. I normally considered myself a quick person, but after letting her gain so much distance as I hesitated between following her and comforting Sara before... catching up with her was certainly causing a strain on my body. 

My heart was thumping in my chest. Breaths coming out in shallow pants. Normally I'd do a warm up before running like this...

Though she kept going, almost home now.

By the time I finally caught up to my sister, she was trudging up the driveway towards the house.

"Just talk to me, will you?" I asked, almost able to reach for her.

"I don't want to talk to you or anyone," she spat over her shoulder. Her hand fished in her backpack, a jingling sounding from it as she pulled out her keys to unlock the door.

My brows furrowed in confusion momentarily as I glanced at mum and dad's cars in the driveway—the door should have been open—but then I returned to my mission as Callie began to hike into the house.

She threw her backpack on the ground and immediately walked over to her chair sitting in the corner, ready to slip off her prosthetic.

"I'm sorry we hurt you," I uselessly tried apologising again while she rolled down the sleeve. "But... I don't know what to say. We were scared you'd be hurt either way and we were caught up in each—"

Callie and Lexi's Kiss List | ✓Where stories live. Discover now