11: Callie

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jueka1 bullied me to upload this chapter this weekend in the comments of the last chapter... there's a cliffhanger at the end but you will have to wait until next weekend to read it because I start my job this week. Also... be prepared. This chapter is like almost 5000 words.


A green tree frog sat in the corner of the cubby eyeing me off. But I was not giving up my hidey-hole, even if the frog had found this place first. Lit up by only my phone screen, I scrolled through my instagram, perusing the lives of the celebrities I admired (because, let's be real, I didn't have many of my friends on it), having avoided the party for a solid half hour now.

Was I wasting 'precious kissing time'? Yes.

But a part of me was determined to try out my new plan I had concocted while stewing in my anger after leaving Lexi inside. If Fraser just came out on his own, I could lie to Lexi later and say he rejected me when she wasn't looking. And then the whole thing would be over with and she'd leave me alone. I just had to wait him out...

Yet as I continued to waste time, lost in the cyberspace of my phone, a voice coming from behind me had me jumping.

"Boo!" he said.

A yelp escaped my mouth and I reached for my leg I had removed, ready to whack the intruder with it. But, after turning around to the little window behind me, I noticed Flynn's face in the small frame.

"You scared the daylight out of me," I hissed, feeling my heartrate begin to slow at my recognition of him.

"But it's night time..." his eyes narrowed. Then his face disappeared from the hole. Some swishing of the grass later, he appeared again, this time kneeling down by the entryway to the cubby.

I quickly reached for my leg again, ready to put it back on, though Flynn's hand shot out.

"You can leave it off, Callie," he said. "It's just me." Then he got on all fours as he started to climb in.

I felt a little strange at the idea of him seeing me without it considering I was so used to people looking at me like I was almost 'normal' these days with my prosthetic to cover the stump, but at the same time, he was right. He was only Flynn. But before I could question him for his sudden appearance here, I had more important matters to attend to.

"Careful!" I exclaimed as he started to crawl in.

Flynn threw me a raised eyebrow.

"You'll hurt Herbert," I said, pointing to my frog friend still squatting in the other corner of the cubby.

Flynn paused, glancing in the direction of Herbert before meeting my gaze with an amused smirk. "You named it?"

Shrugging, I replied, "We've been hanging out for a while now. Seems fitting to at least give him a name."

"Do you know if it's a him?"

Face falling, I turned to the little frog and said, "I apologise if I misgendered you, Herbie."

Flynn let out a chuckle and moved back out of the cubby, getting to his feet. I watched him through the window walk back towards the house, stopping by the tap to turn it on.

Unsure what I had done to scare him away, I turned to the frog, whispering, "Was it me or you he didn't like?"

But I didn't have to wait too long for Herbie's reply. Flynn's footsteps sounded on the grass once more, his face ducking down in the doorway as his dripping hands extended towards the frog.

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