9: Callie

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Ever since 31DOC finished, I feel so lost not uploading something every day. Especially because Positive 2 used to be updated on Thursdays AEST. So I'm giving you a third chapter this week, which doesn't help me with the whole 'stockpiling' chapters strategy but... I also did promise to upload when I've written them.

Anyhoo, big shout out to jueka1 , brightyeolie , and amiva0402 for engaging in the comments last chapter. You guys brighten my day and motivate me to write :)


As Lexi batted her eyelashes and twisted her foot on the ground while talking to Ashton Brooks before history, I did my best to fight my breakfast threatening to come up my oesophagus. But Ashton was more than intrigued by the attention she was affording him this week—a polar opposite from our first lesson together last Monday.

"How can she just... flirt like that?" I mumbled to Sara.

But her eyes were also narrowed and fixated on Lexi. "I don't really know, to be honest..." she said, as though she knew something. 

After finding Sara first thing in the morning, the two of us—Lex and I—filled her in on our kiss list bet (of course omitting the fact that Lexi was trying to boost my confidence on my crush on Sara's brother, instead just saying she wants me to get a boyfriend). 

To my dismay, Sara was all for the idea—though I wondered how much that would change if she knew Noah was involved as the end-goal.

"Of course I'd support this," Sara had said after we told her and I complained about her not taking my side. "Anything to see Cal finally get her first kiss on that beautiful face of hers."

But after the teacher turned up to open the door to the room for our history lesson and we started meandering inside, Lexi pulled up the seat next to me with a very satisfied gleam to her eyes.

"This Saturday," she said, "Ashton said one of his mates is having a party. We are all invited."

Sara's brows knotted together before saying, "I'm happy for you to stay at my place and use me as a cover. But I'm not going to a party."

"But then you'll miss Callie's first kiss!" Lexi gasped, and I swatted her arm in response.

"Can you please keep it down and not parade the fact that I'm a relationship noob?" I hissed at her.

"Um," Lexi replied, eyes narrowing, "You, too, like to emphasise you're a relationship noob."

I shook my head. "Yeah, maybe I tell that to you guys. But they," I waved my hand around the class, "Don't need to know. Especially when two of the boys on the list are in this very class! They don't need to know how much of a novice I am..."

"Lexi and Callie," Miss Brooks called out, eyebrows furrowing in disapprovement. "Are you both done talking so that I can start my class?"

"Sorry Miss," we both mumbled in unison, turning our eyes to our desks.

But after Miss Brooks started her lecture on the horrors of World War II, Lexi and I went back to whispering when her back was turned. "So my plan," Lex whispered to me, "Is we get ready at Sara's. Hang out at the party for a couple of hours—long enough for one of the boys on the list who are going to be there to get drunk. And then make the move."

"This still doesn't seem right..." I mumbled back.

"All guys are up for a makeout session, Cal."

Callie and Lexi's Kiss List | ✓Where stories live. Discover now