58: Lexi

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Here. Have another. Thanks to amiva0402 and brightyeolie for commenting already.



I had come to the party with Callie at her request, but I totally wasn't buying her story that she was into Ashton and was nervous around him.

Maybe I would have if Flynn hadn't appeared at school again that same day she asked me to go to the party with her.

Her tone lacked conviction as she gushed about how she was falling for Ashton.

And it was more than obvious as she kept glancing around while she spoke to me that she was searching for someone who was not the boy she was talking about.

But Flynn rarely showed his face over the two weeks. Popping up only for exams, he seemed to disappear right after they had ended, meaning Callie had no time to talk to him or find out how he was... if she would even be able to bring herself to do it. I think a part of her was torn between missing him and wanting to make sure he was okay, tied with the pain that he had broken up with her and she no longer had a place in his life.

And it was for those reasons that I knew there was something else underpinning her inviting me to this party tonight... I just hadn't been able to figure it out over the past two weeks, as I was too worried about her mental state.

Though the racing questions in my head quickly became answered as we walked up to the house and a familiar face stood waiting by the door, expression quickly turning to displeasure as her gorgeous midnight eyes flickered between me and my sister.

"I thought you said she wouldn't come," Sara accused.

"She changed her mind at the last minute," Callie quickly blurted out before shooting me a 'please play along' look.

With a sigh, I said, "Sorry. Didn't realise you'd be here."

Sara 'humphed' and started to walk away from us back down the driveway.

But Callie wasn't having it.

"Sara, wait!" she called after her, walking as fast as she could behind her retreating figure.

I watched Sara from my place by the house as she whirled around, anger flying from her limbs, betrayal oozing from her eyes. "Why would you set this up?" Sara demanded from Callie.

"Because I have something I want to say to you both and you keep refusing to be near her."

"Duh. We aren't together anymore because of you."

Callie flinched away from Sara's accusation, arms crossing over her chest as she took the blow harder than Sara expected.

And when Callie didn't retort with some planned response about how it was my fault or Sara's fault, the black-haired girl's face softened.

"What are you trying here, Cal?" Sara barely made audible for me.

"I just... I regret what you both did because of me. I hate that you're apart and I can't stand it anymore. I want you two to... make up."

Sara heaved a sigh before wrapping her arms around her best friend, pulling her against her chest. "What's done is done, Cal. You and me are still friends, okay?"

"But you're both unhappy. You were happier together."

"Your sister chose you."

"And I'm unchoosing me for her."

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