15: Callie

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I'm fully booked out tomorrow morning, which is why you're getting this a day early.

Shout out to: jueka1 , brightyeolie , and amiva0402 for your lovely engagement last chapter. A pleasure as always.

Question for everyone: What is one place in the world you really want to visit and haven't yet? 

Mine would be South Korea. I stupidly skipped it when I moved back from London thinking I could go some other time in the not so distant future. Ha. Isn't past me funny?


Once Lexi finally disappeared from sight and my heart rate seemed to slow down just a fraction from all the heightened emotions that had coursed through my body—from kissing Flynn to getting caught by Lexi to potentially upsetting Flynn with the discussion of the list again—I took a deep breath and turned to face him.

Towering a head above me, with his deep brown curly locks almost blending in with the night sky, he slowly turned to meet my gaze once he seemed to feel me staring at him.

And for a moment, just a moment, I almost thought I saw a gleam of something I didn't like in his eyes... Hurt? Sorrow? Betrayal?

But as quickly as I noticed it, it disappeared. A familiar Flynn grin spread across his face, reaching all the way to his eyes before he said, "Ready to go tick boy one off the list, Callie?"

Without even waiting for my response, he started walking to the house.

So I reached out and grabbed his wrist.

Flynn stopped, head turning to look at my hold on him until I dropped it, before he raised his gaze to me.

His face was soft, eyes swirling with an indistinguishable emotion, as he met my stare. "What's wrong, Callie?" he asked me, voice hesitant and... dare I say it... hopeful? But I wasn't sure. Because apparently I had no skills at reading people.

"Can we... talk?" I asked.

The corner of his mouth turned up slightly as he said, "That's what we're doing right now, isn't it?" But then he fully turned his body, taking a few steps closer until he was standing right in front of me. Close enough for me to feel his warmth. Close enough that I had to crane my neck to look up into his obsidian eyes. Close enough that I could smell his orange and sandalwood scent again. But not touching me.

"Um... yeah... it is," I mumbled, turning my gaze down to his chest, unable to take the intensity of his stare anymore. My heart was racing as the words raced through my head.

What do I say after something like that? I wondered.

It was a great kiss... was it like that for him too?

If I ask that... am I not making myself seem like more of an idiot?

And what if it felt like more to me than it did him? Would he just laugh me off because we're supposed to be friends?

Am I thinking it meant more just because it was my first?

"What did you want to talk about?" he then asked softly, hand warmly pressing against my arm, calling me back from my spiraling thoughts.

Ever so slowly, I glanced back up to his gaze, and all words disappeared from my mind. So I breathed all I could remember that I wanted to say, "That kiss..."

Callie and Lexi's Kiss List | ✓Where stories live. Discover now