64: Callie

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Thanks to brightyeolieamiva0402, and jueka1 for supporting me in the comments through this book.

Going to try more regularly now that I'm on holidays and finish this book!



It was Wednesday afternoon in the first week back, our final session of the day. And instead of having our normal study period, we had all gathered here.

Almost everyone had paired off not long after we walked into the hall. The dance instructor demanded we find a partner and a space in the room so that we could see them, and Zac immediately gravitated towards his crush (he had finally gained the courage to ask her out), Luke found a new girl, evidently Lexi and Sara took off straight away, and Jackson had even scored a date to the formal.

"Come on, Callie," Ashton then said as he held a hand out to me. "I'll be your dancing partner."

Glancing down at my chair before looking up at him, I gave him a slight shake of my head. "It's okay, Ash."

And before he could retort to me, Megan, said, "Oh no you don't." Coming up by his side, she continued, "You're not learning to dance with Callie, Ash. Not when I'm the one you're going with."

"But she's all alone—"

Megan placed her hands on her hips before saying, "And she turned you down for formal so you asked me. Don't even—"

"Megan is right, Ash," I interrupted. "Learn to dance with your date, not me. Besides, I'm probably not going."

"That's just nonsense—" he started to respond, but the instructor called out, cutting him off.

With a forceful grip on his arm, Megan dragged off a reluctant Ashton who kept glancing back at me the whole way with a remorseful gleam to his eyes. Nonetheless, as the instructor spoke and the music began, his attention slowly turned towards his partner and his two left feet, giving me a reprieve.

I relaxed into my chair, glancing at my watch sporadically as I began to count down the painful minutes passing until this session was over and I could go home.

But ten minutes later, a teacher called out, "Flynn Thomson! Why are you only just showing up now?" The sound of the door thudding shut was enough to inform me he had just entered the room.

My whole body lit up to know he was near—a thing it frequently did when his voice sounded near me. Despite how long had passed since I had seen him, his familiar tone still caressed every crevice of my being with delight. 

And I hated it. 

Because how did he still have such a hold of me?

My shoulders began to slump as I tried to sink further in my chair, hoping that there would be no interaction between us. After the first day back, Flynn tried a couple of times to get me to explain what happened to me to get me back in a chair, but I refused to budge, always giving him the cold shoulder when he spoke.

Because how could I look him in the eyes and confess that boy I spent so long pining over before him was an actual arsehole?

How could I look Flynn in the eyes and admit I moved on after he left... 

I already saw the way his face contorted in pain whenever Ashton spoke to me.

Or yesterday when Jackson asked on the way out of maths if I had ever completed my kiss list.

Callie and Lexi's Kiss List | ✓Where stories live. Discover now