28: Lexi

88 11 53

Shout out to jueka1 , amiva0402 , and brightyeolie as per usual.

Uploading early in case I'm too busy on the weekend.


Have fun...

Also... sorry it's short.


I let out a yelp as the familiar, lilting voice caressed my ears.

Ever so slowly, I turned around, back pressed against the door as I met her wary obsidian eyes, piercing into my soul, etched with notes of sadness.

"Tell you what?" I squeaked when she didn't say anything, her eyes still dancing around my face. 

But rather than responding, she reached over, past me. Hand grabbing the door knob, the door that was supporting my weight wrenched backwards.

I immediately stumbled backwards into her room.

And, all the while, Sara followed me in slow, measured steps.

Once in her room, she closed the door behind her, before her sorrow-filled gaze found mine once more. "Why didn't you tell me that Callie likes my brother?" I could hear the betrayal oozing from her tone. The pain slicing through the air. The guilt sinking into every crevice of my being knowing we had become so close and I kept a very important secret from her.

I could only imagine how gutted she felt about her best friend having also kept this from her.

My heart was thudding loudly in my chest, words getting stuck in my throat. I opened and closed my mouth several times, but I didn't know where to even begin.

Because the thoughts continued to race on in my mind, screaming at me every time I found any way to explain what she had overheard.

She was listening to my conversation with Noah for sure, I first thought. Was she upset because I withheld the fact that Callie had a crush on her brother?

Or was she upset with Callie instead of me for keeping the secret?

Better yet... how was she going to respond when Callie got back? Had Noah and I just ruined their friendship by not being more secretive in our exchange?

Will she still even want to hang out with me knowing I had lied to her on behalf of Callie?

And then the next wave of worries came through.

How is Callie going to feel knowing Noah doesn't like her... and instead he likes me?

And how is she going to feel knowing it was during his confession to me that her best friend she was hiding this from actually overheard it all?

Would she hate me?

Was this all my fault?

But then finally I thought...

And if Sara really was listening... is she had heard the part of the conversation where Noah and I talked about Callie's feelings for him... does that mean she heard everything that followed?

Once I found my voice again, I whispered all I could in that moment. "I'm sorry."

But Sara just shook her head, like my words just weren't going to cut it. "I need you to be honest with me, Lexi."

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