24: Callie

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Managed to finish the chapter I started earlier this week, so you're getting another chapter this weekend. WOOHOO!

Thanks already to jueka1amiva0402, and brightyeolie as per usual for being absolutely amazing and supportive readers. I write for you guys! (And the other passives but I can't thank you if you never show up in the comments! D: )

Didn't proofread. I'll do it later.



My phone pinged halfway through the second episode of The Witcher, and as I unlocked it with furrowed eyebrows, wondering who on earth would be messaging me when I was with two of the only people who did, my heart thudded in my chest as his name filled my notification bar.

A small yelp came from my mouth as I threw my phone across the bed.

Sara fumbled with the remote, pausing the show as she sat up, seemingly started. "What's wrong?" she asked, as she scooted across to the far end of the bed, away from my sister. Which was odd, but I didn't question it because I had more pressing issues and they're on my phone screen.

"Ashton messaged me," I gulped, glancing between them.

"And?" Lexi pressed, turning to face me as she crossed her legs.

"He wants to... call me."

"Right now?" Sara asked.

I nodded, frantically glancing between Sara and my sister. "What do I do? How to I turn him down? How—"

But Lexi grinned, eyes staring at the door, scheming gleam to her gaze. "I have an idea," she said, then she got up and headed out of the room.

I turned to Sara as another message pinged from Ashton.

Ashton: Hey... I saw that you saw my message. Are you ignoring me? :(

"He put a sad face," I whined, stating the obvious—because she was certainly staring at my phone herself now. "I don't want to hurt him even if he is a jerk!"

"I... I don't know what you should do," Sara confessed. "I want to go with the default 'just be honest', but after you told me all the things he has said about Flynn and other people of colour..." She shook her head. "A part of me wants him to hurt."

"I can't," I whispered.

"I know. It's not in you." She pressed her lips together, eyebrows furrowing before she pulled the phone from my hand, fingers flying across the screen. "This should hold him at bay until Lexi comes back."

Glancing at my phone, my heart sighed in relief as I read what she wrote:

Me: I'm at my friend's house... I don't know if it's polite for me to be on the phone.

But before I could exit out of the app so that seen wouldn't display again for him, letting him know I was avoiding his messages, another came in.

Ashton: But you're messaging me now...

Ashton: Which friend?

Before I could respond with Sara's name, Lexi barged back into the room, eyes flickering between us and then zeroing in on the phone.

"Don't tell me you replied," she said.

"We did," Sara said. "But I was just buying time."

Lexi reached down, yanking the phone from my hand as she hurriedly read through the messages, grin forming on her face. "Oh perfect," she said. Then her own thumbs flew across the screen.

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