55: Lexi

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I am certainly not happy with this chapter. But I just woke up and have been harrassed to upload. So here you go.

Thank you for your comments last chapter amiva0402brightyeolie, and jueka1

This is the last chapter I have stockpiled so we will see when I get a chance to write another one.


The corners of Callie's lips were slightly turned upwards as she walked into the house that evening. We had all watched the lights of Ashton's car back out of the driveway before she even came inside.

Mum, dad, Sara, and I were on the couch watching a movie together when she entered.

Immediately as I met eyes with my sister, I guiltily dropped Sara's hand. But Callie noticed, her eyes trailing down at Sara's hand now sitting limp between us, her best friend's face turned towards me in heartbreak.

That was all the attention Callie gave us though. Ignoring dad's probing questions, she took off down the hallway to her room.

Yet Sara and I couldn't bear to wait any longer to find out the question we had been dreading all afternoon.

Telling mum and dad to continue the movie without us, we headed off down the hall after Callie. And to our luck, she had left her door unlocked.

Leg already off and lounging on her bed with her phone in her face, corners of her lips slightly turned up, Sara and I stood in her doorway with an expectant stare.

And we didn't even have to ask.

Without even glancing up at us, Callie said, "I completed it."

"Please," I started to beg, "Don't just cut me out. I've said I'm sorry. We are sorry for not telling you, Cal. Forgive us this once."

Grey eyes snapping up from the screen, glancing between me and Sara, she said, "I just don't know how to forgive you both. Especially you, Lexi. Maybe Sara hasn't messed up like this before but... how can I support her dating you. You who lies and runs away when the times get—"

"How long are you going to bring up what I did when we were kids?" I demanded, tired of the familiar lines exiting her mouth.

Callie heaved a sigh and sat up, keeping her gaze turned towards her lap as she spoke. "I get we've moved on from that. That you have changed. But you went on and on about how you were different and you wanted to get along again... and then you both lie to me for months. You hide one of the most important things that you should have told me and expect me to just forget it because you apologised? As Sara's friend, am I supposed root for her being with my sister who lies to her own family? What if she does it to you?" Then Callie turned to face Sara. "And what do I do if things go south between you and Lexi? She's my twin. I'm always going to remind you of her. You won't ever come around anymore."

Sara's brows turned down as she walked towards my sister. "Don't worry about things that haven't—"

"But this is part of the equation."

"What do we have to do, Cal?" I then said, unable to take this any longer. I wanted her forgiveness. And if 'sorry' wouldn't cut it, then I'll do what it takes to get her to forgive me.

"I've already taken care of it," she said grimly, like she wasn't satisfied with her solution herself. Then she said, "I've kissed all six boys. Now you two go be happy and leave me alone."

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