60: Callie

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mature scenes ahead related to sexual assault. If this is problematic for you, please skip ahead. Your well-being is more important than knowing every detail of this story. The next chapter will at least allude to what happened.

One more chapter for this weekend... you won't enjoy.


The school holidays passed in the blink of an eye, as we were all too busy having fun. When I wasn't hanging with Sara and Lex, I was out with one of my new friends doing something, whether that be going to the creek with Zac and Jackson, or catching a movie with Ash, or going to a party with Luke and Ash.

My life was full.

Things were turning up.

And ever so slowly, my heart was feeling like it was healing the hole Flynn had left. I was sure that, in a few more weeks, I'd be truly over him.

Ash and I never kissed again after our heated make out session at the beginning of the holidays. We were just really good friends instead. But sometimes I caught myself remembering it... And I hoped that when I felt fully over the last boy, I could finally be someone Ash deserved.

But for now, distractions were my way through the pain.

We were sitting in Sara's room watching a movie. My best friend and sister were up on Sara's bed and I was on the floor, but despite the distance, I could hear their whispered sweet nothings to each other.

Reaching for my leg, I slipped it on and started to get to my feet.

"Where are you going?" Lex asked.

"Noah wanted to see a movie with me sometime these holidays. I think I'll go take him up on it now," I said back.

"Right now?" Lex pressed.

"Yup." Glancing over at Sara though, I added, "Is that okay with you?"

"With me?" Her eyebrows arched up as she glanced at Lex. "Of course. It's not like either of you are into each other. But even if you were... I wouldn't hold you back on that, Cal."

"Great. I'll see you both later... have fun." I added a wink for good measure before exiting the room.

Heaving a sigh that I was alone for the first time in a while, I took my time wandering down the hallway to Noah's room.

After three sharp raps on the door, a deep voice inside called out, "Come in."

Pushing the door open, I was quick to glance around his room before locking eyes with his obsidian ones on his bed.

"Callie," he said in surprise, closing his laptop and sitting up. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Still fancy seeing that movie?"

Confusion marred his face for a moment until eventually the grin broke through. "I knew you'd come around."

We were both still laughing as we drove back towards his house. The grey skies had finally achieved their mission and rain was sheeting down in buckets, but the mood in the car was far from grey.

"And that one line he said after they walked out of that bar and—" Noah started, recounting one moment from the movie, but his giggles and mine broke him off as we nodded and laughed.

But ever so quickly as we drove further and further down the motorway on our way home, the rain became heavier and heavier.

And our laughter quickly vanished.

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