15. Cracking the Code.

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⚠ Warning ⚠ Things get sort of dark again. Some messed up information is revealed so read at your own risk.


I was looking through the drawers in my room, yeah, I made peace with the fact that this is my room now. I looked for a notebook and a pen. This would be so much easier if I had a laptop but that would be too suspicious. There is no way they will give me a laptop.

I had to make do with outdated methods. I was grateful that the phone Santos gave to me had internet in it but it was so slow it was probably faster for me to translate with a dictionary.

I grabbed the notebook, a pen and jumped on the bed ready to channel my inner Nancy Drew. A knock interrupted my investigation. I quickly hid the phone under the covers and yelled "Come in" pretending I was busy writing on the notebook.

The door opened and a cheerful Chris walked in, "Hey pretty lady. Whatcha doin?" He said as he came and sat next to me on the bed. "Writing reasons to stay alive despite being a prisoner here without even a phone" I said dramatically then turned the notebook to show Chris the empty page, "I didn't find any!" I said then sighed and looked down.

Chris frowned his eyebrows with pity as I drew circles with slumped shoulders.

"Sorry Sky. But a phone is too risky"

 "That's okay, I'm sure I won't go crazy right away" I heavily breathed to look even more pathetic. Chris shoved his hands into his pockets, looking uncomfortable.

"Aren't you hungry? Dinner is downstairs. There's chocolate cake for dessert" Chris offered and smiled brightly as he offered me cake knowing it's my absolute favorite but I had some investigating to do so I kindly refused, "Maybe later".

"As you wish" Chris said, then looked at me apologetically for a few moments before sighing and leaving my room, gently closing the door behind him. I felt bad for giving Chris low vibes and playing with his feelings like that but I had to translate this and on a phone, it was gonna take me forever. I don't have the time to waste.


Correction, it was taking forever and a century because after two hours of decoding the handwriting that looks like chicken scratch. And another hour to translate what I could decode, which took forever because the internet was so slow, I was still on the first page and had translated a total of three sentences which are yet to make sense.

So far, what I've translated sounds like gibberish. Santa Clause is mentioned in the entries more than once which made me question the authenticity of the diary. Only in Italian it's not exactly Santa, it's more like Segreta and Clause is more like Clausola. But I understood that one perfectly.

Unless Santa Clause is an undercover mob boss that somehow stole from Russo and blamed the Vitales. What I've translated must be wrong.

I scratched my head again, messing my already messed up hair even more. "Ugh!" I let out a frustrated breath when another knock came from the door, I was getting agitated. I put my head down then lifted it aggressively to get my hair away from my face. That was when I angrily answered and only realized too late,

"WHAT?!" I yelled and inside came a shy Chris. "Oh hey Chris. Sorry I didn't mean to yell" I apologized and smiled softly.

"That's okay babe. I got something for ya" Said Chris excitedly holding something behind his back. He was grinning which made me stand up on the bed looking confused, "What is it?" I asked with hesitation in my voice putting my hair behind my ears then my hands on my hips. when suddenly, Chris whipped out a laptop from behind his back.

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