39. Ghosts of Fathers Past.

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When I woke up, I had a huge grin on my face. And I carried that grin with me all day. I had it while I had breakfast in my room. I had it when Lorenzo came in my room to fetch me before we spent the whole day together and,

I felt....


I felt like I was my best self when I was with Lorenzo. I felt more fun and passionate. He brought out things in me that I didn't even know existed. With him, it felt safe to take risks and live life to the fullest. If I could freeze time and put in inside a small snow globe and live there forever with him, I would.

We did everything today, we visited old cathedrals and I admired the architecture and art that was there with the experience. We visited a museum where I struggled to admire the art because most of it was nude sculptures.

Lorenzo laughed at me, saying "I needed to learn to appreciate the human body", to which I responded that "It will be perfectly fine to appreciate the human body, while said body had clothes on".

And right now, we were laying on the grass in a small family park. Above us was a giant bougainvillea tree. Lorenzo was lying down, his head on my lap as I finally fulfilled my life dream to play with his silky, thick and gorgeous hair. I was looking at passer-bys with their families, their significant others and their dogs, all while supporting a huge grin on my face.

This day couldn't be any better.

One of the people walking by was a man holding a camera, he approached us and snapped a couple of pictures. Startled, Lorenzo opened his eyes and I snapped my head up to look at the man who had a bright smile on his face.

"You make a beautiful couple, I couldn't help it, you seem so much in love"

Lorenzo and I looked at each other then at the man and laughed. As the man left he wished us a life full of happiness and I blushed with joy, I hope so too stranger, I hope so too.

"What did you think of me when you first saw me?"

Lorenzo laughed and I stared at him with amusement in my eyes, 

"What?! Tell me"

"I can't. You might hit me"

"It can't be That bad, tell me" I whined and Lorenzo shoved a blueberry inside my mouth. He ate one too before he spoke,

"I thought you had a really bad attitude. You seemed adamant on pissing me off, which worked. You were always loud and annoying"

I half chuckled in surprise, and threw another blueberry aimed at his face but he tilted his neck and caught it in his mouth. Impressive.

"Judgmental much?!" I half gasped, "Okay, I do have a bad attitude sometimes I will give you that. But I am not loud and I'm Certainly not annoy—" I burst laughing before I finished, "Couldn't even say it with a straight face"

Lorenzo laughed along as we both enjoyed the berries and the breeze. "But then I got to know the real you. You befriended the guys and became like their sister. You helped Sandra with everything. You always made sure that your mother was alright"

I had hearts where my eyes used to be. I was impressed by how observing Lorenzo had been. I thought he ignored me all that time.

"I admired how you were protective of the ones you loved. When I shot Sandra you rushed by her side and you forgot about me trying to kill you. And you forgave me and brought me clothes at the hospital"

I chuckled as I remembered that day, it seemed like it was years ago. So much has happened since then. Lorenzo was looking at the grass and played with it as he spoke.

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