18. The Night After.

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When I regained consciousness random flashes of a nightmare were still fresh in my mind, so fresh I could actually feel everything I felt when I walked out that office. The fear and anxiety, I could hear the screams of the poor victims and the culprit gun men. I saw Adelaide's dead body and I stopped remembering right then and there.

I didn't want to relive every moment because shortly after, something horrible had happened. I didn't think I was strong enough to stand the recollection of the unfortunate event in my state.

I felt tears on my face and was further weakened by it, I leaned back onto the soft pillows and let sleep engulf me, knowing that what I was experiencing was not a nightmare, just very recent memories.

It was hard to sleep again after waking up so I just stayed in bed tossing and turning for hours before the sun finally started to rise. I couldn't recognize where I was at yet again but at this point I couldn't even act surprised that I was kidnapped.

I just cannot catch a break.

I got off the bed and went outside, I found a door on my left which I suspected to be a bathroom. After doing my business and splashing some cold water on my face I looked in the mirror, I didn't recognize myself at all.

My hair was a mess, my face looked tired and my body was aching still. Especially my neck and back. Thanks to Santos violently throwing my back on the wall. I reached for my neck and felt a bump, I flinched as I pressed it. Maybe, a bruise started to form, I thought.

I came out the bathroom and walked further down the hall past the room I was in . There weren't many lights around, mostly just small sconces that offered very dim lighting.

"Ace? Ethan?" I called out but I got no answer. I heard jiggling of keys indicating that someone's about to enter. I didn't know if I should hide or not so I just stood dumbly in front of the door waiting for it to open and hoping it would reveal Ace, Chris, or the national guard coming to rescue me.

I guess standing still behind a door could seem frightening to other people because the moment the man saw me he let out a loud scream and threw the grocery bag he was holding in the air, everything immediately started seeping out of the bag. His loud ass scream scared me so I started screaming and pointing at him.

"Who are you?!" I yelled,

"Who are you?!" He hit me with the reverse card, I was going to say 'I asked you first' But I honestly didn't want to get into an argument, I was drained.

"I'm Skyler"

"Right. I knew that" He shook his head then turned around and picked up the bag which made everything worse. The things that didn't break and ooze out earlier just fell from the rip on the bottom. He scrunched his face in disappointment as his food said goodbye, the scene was quite funny. He stopped to looked at me,

"Aren't you gonna help?"

I looked at the big mess he made, "I don't even know you so..." I backed away slowly from the bags,

"So what you don't help a stranger in need?" He side glanced at me and I felt like I was being mean,

"No it's not that...But as far as I know you're my kidnapper" I felt the inner me crossing her arms as if it WASN'T normal for me to be kidnapped and hidden in some stranger's apartment.

Quite Frankly, I lost count of how many times this happened in the past couple of weeks.

"Plus you're practically done so there's nothing left for me to do" I continued as he picked up the ripped bag and walked past me. I picked up a can of tuna from the ground and followed the Still Stranger to the kitchen,

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