33. Stellar Cellar.

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The next week I avoided Lorenzo like the plague. I got up very early to train with Chris, then I stayed solo in the basement for 'Extra training' When really I was just hiding. I didn't want to risk seeing him having breakfast when I passed by the dining room.

After almost kissing him, knowing about his horrible father and the terrible fate of his mother, I just couldn't get myself to look him in the eyes. But the universe wasn't helping me.

It was the end of the month, meaning I had another shooting test. If I passed this one, I was gonna get my own gun. There was just one small annoying detail, Lorenzo is the one that does the evaluation.

And if it went anything like last time, well this time, He was gonna be the one that ends up in the hospital because I was Not in the mood for unfair treatment again.

I was focused like a laser. Even Jared was impressed by how I kept my eyes and body still. No time for distraction. I wanted to prove I can do this, not only to Lorenzo, but to myself too. I was a great shot, I knew it. But he had to confirm it for me to believe it.

I turned my attention back to shoot the last fake enemy in the head, earning a "Nice!" and an applaud from Jared. Of course, this was only practice before Lorenzo gets here, but I still wanted to nail it.

"You really think I got this, Jared?" I looked to Jared for words of encouragement.

"Are you kidding? You could be a sniper if you wanted to" He encouraged causing me to smile, I was very flattered that he thinks I'm that good of a shot. He was a great teacher. He put his hands on my shoulder as he gave me the gun I'll be using for the test.

"Okay, deep breaths. You got this" He gave a short pep talk and I really started to believe in myself.

"I got this" I reaffirmed as I took the magazine out and loaded it back in the gun. This time it was harder, I had to get inside the ring. 

The last time, they were all standing but this time, some of them would be standing and some would be kneeling. I had to walk, run, crouch and do whatever to kill them. The simulation felt real. This time I had more bullets, instead of 34, I had 50 and it was for only 8 minutes. There were a total of about 40 enemies.

Finally, Lorenzo showed up. He nodded at Jared to go to activate the enemies and I was inside the ring. Here we go.

The first one appeared to my left, headshot immediately, the wood splinters went in my face but thankfully I had my goggles on so none went into my eye. After a while of shooting, crouching, running and shooting again, I got used to the loud sound of gun shots. 

It was a walk in the park. I pretended to be on Resident Evil killing the zombies. I aimed at the heart or head. If I shot an arm or a leg then Lorenzo would lose his shit again like last time so I played it safe. The challenge was movements.

Other than shooting, under pressure, with not enough time OR bullets, I had to do Parkour. I looked at the timer and had two minutes left.

I dropped the magazine and reloaded it but before I could lock it inside the gun, one of the enemies appeared on my right. On instinct, I spun and kicked his head then swung the gun at his head again, some splinters broke off. In real life, he would've been knocked out so that meant I got him? Right?

I picked up the magazine and continued shooting the rest of the enemies until finally, a loud buzzer sound came, announcing that it was the end of the battle.

I was exhausted.

I dropped to the ground and gathered my breath before running back outside the ring to hear the verdict. I still had about two bullets left in the gun so if he says I failed, I was gonna shoot him. I'm okay with going to jail for him.

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