13. The Big Ball(s)

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My day started with me standing in the garden appreciating the flowers, they didn't smell like sweet heaven and I wasn't hypnotized  by their touch but it felt good, kind of refreshing, now I understand why everyone does it.

After my flower time I went back to the kitchen in the same moment Lorenzo walked in through the front. I haven't seen him since yesterday when he rudely shut the door in my face. I should mind my own business, I didn't want to irritate him or argue with him this early in the day. It's best if I don't say anything, I decided.

"Do you have something to say?" He barked with an irritated tone,

"Me? No, I don't" I answered timidly which was surprising to even me. Me? Timid? Since when?

 "Then don't stare if you're not planning on saying anything" He roared with a very deep scowl showing wrinkles on his usually flat forehead.

He rolled his eyes then walked around to the cabinets and grabbed a glass and filled it with water. I don't know why I watched his every move but I was mesmerized by how coordinated and balanced he is.

With every step he took I noticed his body movements, the way his dress shirt rose up his arm a little bit when he lifted his arm to get the glass. The way his back muscles were flexing while he was opening and closing the cabinet. The way his adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed the water tilting his head back giving me clear view of how sharp his jaw is.

Suddenly it became very hot in the room. I needed a cold shower, and he really needed to put on looser clothes. His clothes were so tight I could see his bones. Although I had a feeling the way he dresses was for show.

A show I am attending of course. Front row no less. With backstage access and okay this joke is gone too far.

He noticed me staring at him and I immediately looked down in shame, I was undoubtedly and unmistakably checking him out. I glanced up at him as he was carrying his glass to the sink. On his face he was wearing the most sinister and smug smirk I had ever seen.

Bastard was enjoying it. Damn his sexiness.

Alessandra walked in the kitchen in that moment and noticed Lorenzo "Ciao signore. I was just about to go with the driver to get your tuxedo from the dry cleaner's". Lorenzo looked at me for a moment then turned to Alessandra with a side smile,

"Never mind that Sandra. She will get it"

Say What?!

"I don't work for you!" I spit out looking at him dead in the eyes hoping to show him my intimidating side,

"You do now!" He fired back taking a step closer to me.

"I'm not getting your tux from the dry cleaner's, Enzo !" I dared to talk back and took a step toward him. His eyes flickered when I said his name, he wasn't expecting that,

"Yes, you are"

I let out a dry chuckle and put my hands on my hips stepping forward, challenging him. Lorenzo looked taken aback but he still smirked. Sandra looked amused as her eyes flickered from me to Lorenzo.

"I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Ray Higgins when he asked me to be friends with benefits my second year of college" I paused a little at his puzzled look, "I'm not doing it, buddy!"

He took a final step in my direction. I was so close to him, we were literally breathing the same air. My eyes flickered to his lips then his eyes. I was far too angry to appreciate his beauty from up close or his deliciously intoxicating scent dancing in my nostrils.

"Sandra, go tell Toni he will be driving..." He trailed off and ran his eyes along my face before he continued in a husky seductive tone, "Questa bella regazza" He didn't take his eyes off mine, still wearing that smug smirk. Alessandra giggled before she scurried off leaving me alone with the alluring devil, leaving me to wonder, what did he say?

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