20. Truth.

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I woke up to the sound of my mom screaming my name from downstairs, I looked at the time and it was noon. It's late but considering I slept at 5 am I needed to sleep about FOUR more hours.

Why must people interrupt my peace?

"Skyler wake up! I made breakfast" My mom's voice continued to invade my ears until I finally got up to go to the bathroom, "I'm up" I yelled hoping she heard me because I didn't have the energy to yell louder.

I don't know what it is about waking up, I could never do it. It's my strongest weakness. I don't mind an alarm clock to wake me up but if a person does it, it leaves me in a crappy mood all day.

I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower then came back to my room and changed into pink track pants and a white top. I put my hair into a bun on top of my head and put on my glasses. I didn't really need them since my eyesight wasn't that bad but my face looked awful from the lack of sleep. The glasses were just a cover-up really.

I came into the kitchen in literal walking dead form, walking slowly with my shoulders slouching. I headed to the freezer for some ice cubes to rub under my eyes. I saw my overly cheerful mother by the stove.

"Morning" I grumbled.

"It's not morning anymore, honey." My mom said as she stirred whatever was in the pot.

Usually a comment like that would irk me but I truly missed my mother dearly and seeing her in the kitchen again just like when I used to live here brought back happy memories, I went to hug her from behind, she giggled and put her hand on my arm "Everything okay sweetie?" She asked,

"No, I just really missed you is all".

"I miss you too. Hey I have an idea" She covered the pot and turned around to face me and hold my hands, "Why not move back in here? Think about it, Rima's in Vancouver and she won't be coming back soon and you don't have anything to tie you to your apartment. I want you to be near me Sky so what do you say?" My mom offered giving me her best puppy eye look.

I couldn't help but agree, I missed her plus I was on the mafia radar. I needed to be with her to protect her. It was safer this way.

"Of course mom" I smiled and she squealed, actually squealed, "Oh this is so wonderful, you know what? I'm gonna make you your favorite dessert" She announced and felt warmness in my chest, I was so happy to be back home,

"Lemon brownies with white chocolate frosting?" I said with a grin on my face and my hands locked together,

"You bet your sweetness" She pinched my cheek and it momentarily reminded me of Sandra, suddenly I felt a whiff of sadness. I wonder where she is right now.

"We're out of lemons." My mom said into the fridge "Let's go to the store. I'll drive." I went to grab the car keys since I didn't have a phone or wallet or anything else to grab.

I got into mom's car, she drove a red 2016 Kia Sorento and I loved her car. She had seat warmers and who doesn't love a warm butt? 

The grocery store was about a 10-minute drive from my mom's house and the street was empty, empty enough for me to notice a shiny black Mercedes with pitch black tinted windows that's been behind me since I left the house.

I started to internally panic, there was no way Russo found me so soon, it's Way too soon. And wasn't he supposed to be in the hospital still?

Calm down Sky that's not him!

"Whatcha thinking?" My mom's voice interrupted my panic, "Hmm?" I sounded out, "I was telling you about my plans to re-do the living room but you drifted away".

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