26. Backfire - Part 2.

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Everything happened in slow motion, Lorenzo pulled the trigger, the bullet came flying out of the barrel, next thing I knew Sandra yells "NO!" and jumps in front of the bullet then dropping down in front of me before everything goes silent.

It took all of us a second or two to realize that Sandra was shot and dying on the ground. Lorenzo realized what he did and it was like he just got his soul back, he fell to the ground dropping his gun and held Sandra up, in his eyes he was terrified.

The bullet hit her chest and blood flooded out of her body, covering Lorenzo's shirt instantly, "Per favore! Resta con me! Resta con me! Non morire con me!" Lorenzo started slapping her to stay awake, tears flowing out of his eyes.

I was crying and frantically holding her begging her not to die, "Sandra, please stay awake. You're gonna be okay. It's all going to be okay" Everything came out between cries and hiccups but Sandra was losing a lot of blood and her eyes were closing.

Everyone was just standing in shock. It was like they were frozen, none of us knew what to do, "GET AN AMBULANCE!!!!" Lorenzo angrily shouted at his workers who seemed unable to move. Ace ran out of the room and Jared came to help us with Sandra's body, she was losing so much blood.

"The ambulance will take too long, Don. We have to take her there. Come on Ace brought the car" Jared spoke and helped me get up while Lorenzo picked up Sandra and carried her to the car "Tranquila Sandra, Va bene! Tuttu va bene" Lorenzo continued to speak to Sandra who was losing consciousness. 

When we got to the hospital Lorenzo was acting like a complete lunatic. He lost it. He was barking orders at random people and screaming at everyone in his way, still he refused to let go of Sandra's hand while they put her on the gurney and to the operation room.

"Sir, please you can't go past this point you have to stay out" The nurse tried to hold Lorenzo back from entering the operation room but it was like he wasn't even listening.

"Sir please let us do our job please stay outside" Another nurse came to stop him from going any further, it wasn't until Jared and Ace grabbed him by the shoulders and physically held him back.

Lorenzo grabbed Ace by his collar, "Secure the area I don't want anyone on this floor. No police, No press, No patients, NO ONE!!" He roughly let him go, Ace scurried off to do as he was told. I was on the ground holding my necklace, crying and praying for Sandra's health. Suddenly I was roughly pulled up by my neck and raised against the wall.

"This is all your fault!" He spat into my face and I started coughing for air. I struggled in his grasp, I flailed my legs trying to reach the floor but it was too far away. He was killing me.

After a few seconds everything was as if somebody dimmed the lights in the room, "LORENZO STOP!!! Lorenzo—!" I heard someone yelling at him but the sound was becoming more distant until I couldn't hear it anymore.

Then the lights started becoming brighter again and I was lying on the ground coughing and gasping for air and holding my neck, I saw Lorenzo on the ground with Ace holding him back "Skyler GO!" Ace shouted but I couldn't get up. Jared stepped in and helped me up on my feet then took me to the hall.

"Here drink this" He said softly as he handed me the paper cup. I was still coughing and gasping, I drank the water then coughed again. My throat was parched, one second more and Lorenzo would have literally killed me with his bare hand.

I drank another cup of water to fully regain my strength, I took a few deep breaths to restore my sanity. Ace came after a minute, "Are you okay?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulders and checking for any bruises or other injuries, "I'm fine, the one who matters now is Sandra" I said prying his hands off me.

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