23. On The Run.

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My mother and I arrived at the Shelter Motel at a little after midnight, it was the first one we encountered after running away from the house. My mom was always prepared, she carried her credit cards in her phone case and I was so thankful that we wouldn't be stranded. 

"Care to explain to me what's going on, Skyler?" My mom interrogated the moment I shut the room door. Oh God, where do I even Begin?

I turned around to face her and she had her arms crossed giving me her best demanding and pissed off look.

"Cliffsnotes version? Things went wrong and now I have not only one but Two mafia hounds on my back. We can't stay at the house, that's the first place they'll look."

"What do you mean things went wrong? Weren't you supposed to get help, with that Chris guy?" She continued,

"It got complicated mom. It's just you and me now. Tomorrow we have to find a way to get to the house, get the things that we need and leave. We need to go very far mom" I reasoned hoping she'd just leave it at that.

But who was I kidding? This was my mom we're talking about, she lets Nothing go. She's not familiar with phrases like Let it go, Forget about it, Never mind. Oh No! She keeps pushing and whining and snooping for information she's not supposed to know, which often times gets her in super deep shit!

I'm describing myself, aren't I?

"Are you serious? You can't expect me to leave everything here and run away Skyler. I have a job, a house, a life here. No, I'm not doing it there has to be another way" My mom finished her rant with reason and sat down on the bed.

I wanted to try and persuade her again but I was honestly so tired from all the puking, the running and life threatening situations. I've had enough Survivor for one day.

I went to the bathroom and luckily there were towels, soap and two brush sets. It was a nice motel. I flinched when I saw myself in the mirror. I looked like I came out of a prison cell after 10 days of solitary confinement. My hair was a big bushy curly mess, I had leaves and dirt all over it. My clothes were as dirty as my mind after one shot of Tequila and I had a rip in my dress, Curse you Lorenzo!

I stripped down and took a shower, I let the hot water wash away the woods off my body. I just wished I could erase this whole unfortunate day. I wrapped myself with a towel and brushed my teeth. I think I poured the entire tooth paste bottle down my throat to get rid of the feeling that I threw up earlier. Why was that so embarrassing still?

I got out of the room and my mom was sitting on the bed on her phone, I went over and hugged her from behind giving her a kiss on her cheek. She giggled in joy, "What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing. Thank you for being understanding and coming here with me" I squeezed her tighter, "Well it's not like you left me a choice you dragged me here" She said pretending to be annoyed.

"Sorry about that, it's just—"

"You don't have to explain right now sweetie, I can see you're going through something and I don't wanna push it. When you're ready you'll tell me, right?" She said tucking my wet hair behind my ear then cupping my cheek. Her hands were so warm and loving. I hugged her again,

"Thanks mom. You're the best". I broke the hug and adjusted my towel that seemed to be falling off my body at the moment, that caused my mother to burst laughing.

"Stop. We ran out of the house quickly and I didn't have time to grab clothes" I whined feeling a little embarrassed even though it's my mom, I've been feeling embarrassed all day today.

"Whose fault is that?"

"Whatever. There's no way we're going back to our house and every shop is closed. I guess I'll just have to sleep in the towel and figure something out tomorrow" I said while getting into bed. 

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