17. Aim, Bang, Dead.

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"Supernatural is the greatest show, don't even argue with me" I said aggressively as I placed another piece of cake in my plate.

"Sam's a total Weakling. Dean's been saving his ass since the first season, he is a useless character. If he wasn't there, the show would be completely the same"

I felt offended. I gasped in surprise. Ethan dared to call My Sammy 'Useless'?

"He is totally important to the storyline, he's the one always finding clues and monsters in the lure, finding ways to save the world. Dean And the world would be dead in no time without Sammy."

"Sam's an idiot!"

"Dude! Seriously, I will hit you if you don't take that back!" I said half joking, half serious. Nobody dares to insult my fucking husband. 


Chris took a break from discussing fashion with Alessia and jumped in. We started talking about kickboxing techniques, and he offered to teach me. He was explaining to me his busy work schedule as Lorenzo was taking a call out in the hall and out of the corner of my eye I could see Ethan's behavior toward Alessia.

I read into everything, like their proximity, how she smiles shyly at him and how he's always offering her a drink. To some it might seem normal but I knew what happened behind closed doors.


I was walking down the hallway looking at the artwork hanging on the walls. I turned a corner to go to my room but then turned right back smacking my back against the wall. Behind this corner were Ethan and Alessia, Kissing, Again! Of course it was I who saw them together.

Seriously!  They were asking to get caught at this point. God was playing a sick joke on me, he knows I can't keep my mouth shut.

I placed my hands on the wall for support leaning my head out. I decided to make the best of it and spy on them in a totally perverted, I-have-nothing-better-to-do kind of way.

Ethan had Alessia against the wall. He bit her neck and she moaned, raising her leg and wrapping it around him. Strangely, watching them made me feel hot.

I was ingulfed in their pornography when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I hissed and turned. "Relax, it's me"

"You scared me" I whispered,

"What are you doing?" Chris asked out loud,


"Why are we whispering?" Chris whispered leaning down and I pointed at the direction of the two sinners on their way to hell. He looked confused for a bit then leaned his neck to see his friend making out with the boss' soon to be wife.

When he looked back, his face turned red and his expression was furious. I looked down and saw his hands were balled into fists, he leaned forward as if to walk toward them but I put my hands on his shoulders to stop him from rounding this corner.

"No, what are you doing?" I whisper yelled at Chris and he looked down at me, "I'm gonna stop this right now" He replied looking like the Hulk is about to burst out of him.

"No, please don't. I don't have cable and this is my only source of entertainment" I whined to a fuming Chris, he pulled my elbow and pushed me inside his room.

"I've never been in your room before." I cheered as I noticed the two beds. It looked like a dorm. I saw all the unwashed clothes on the ground and gaming sets. Suddenly, I felt thankful that I had my own room. Men live in pigsties.

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