34. Exhale - Part 1.

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I woke up to the sound of a clock ticking, Very loudly may I add. I groaned in pain and my voice came out hoarse. What happened?

I took a deep breath and tried to recall what happened. I remembered last night's events. I went into the cellar, Lorenzo followed me. Lorenzo!

We kissed. I freaked out and I ran away, literally. I remembered being kidnapped again, and only one man came into my mind. "Ohh Crud!" I groaned and grunted in annoyance and partial fear.

It was him. It can't be anyone else.

I ran through a scenario of what I thought was going to happen, in my head. Right now, I'm probably tied to a chair with my hands behind my back and my legs are strapped in the chair's legs so I don't move. I can't defend myself which is what he wants.

Any minute now, he's going to walk in with his fake cane and impeccable white suit, followed by some burly men to beat me up and torture me before killing me as a punishment for having betrayed him.

"Fuck my entire existence" I cursed again at how hopeless I felt.

Suddenly, I noticed that I could open my eyes. Not only could I open my eyes but I could actually See Stuff!

"Wait, I'm not blindfolded?!" I asked aloud as I raised my hands to my head.

I looked at my hands and gasped again in surprise?

"I'm not tied to a chair!" I exclaimed again, a little bit more excited than I should be in this hostage-but-not-really situation.

I looked around and I was laying on the ground, free. The concrete was very hard on my body and that's why I ached all over. I must've slept here, I concluded,

I looked at my surroundings and I was in a big empty room. No furniture, no windows just four gray walls, one dangling pendant light that offered very dim lighting and a giant, loud wall clock on the wall in front of me.

I looked at the time and it said 9. I didn't know whether it was 9 in the morning or 9 at night. I sat up on the wall and joined my knees to my chest to feel safer. I closed my eyes and held onto my necklace as I prayed that I get out of this alive.

After a few minutes, I felt myself become less alerted, my breathing regulated and my heartbeat was synced to the tick tocks of the clock.

Suddenly, the door opened. I turned my head to the right side to see who it was, like I guessed, a tall burly man came in. He had a long beard and a short mohawk hairstyle with a fade on the sides, he had a scar near his lips and his eyebrows like he had been in a fight recently.

"So we meet again, Bambina" The man spoke and I recognized his voice immediately. Last time I heard it, he was shouting and spitting all over my ear,

"Hey! I know you" I exclaimed as I stood up to face him. "You attacked me in my apartment months ago" I accused putting my hands on my hips. I was feeling strangely courageous, maybe it was the weeks of training I got, but I wasn't as scared anymore.

The ugly man smiled like he was flattered that I had the two brain cells necessary to remember such a traumatizing experience. "That color looks good on you" The ugly bearded man was looking at me in a way that I didn't like. He started walking towards me and I walked back slowly.

"Thanks. if you like red, I can break your nose, the blood will look wonderful against your skin tone" I replied cheekily, causing the man to laugh. He really thought I was kidding about breaking his nose.

I guess he still thought I was that same little girl he kidnapped once.

He was coming closer to me, and as soon as he was about 3 feet away from me, I raised my leg and kneed him as hard as I possibly could in the crotch. When he fell down, crying and holding his package, I swung my fist at his nose, knocking him backwards. 

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