5. I Saw This One Coming.

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Alright lovelies, the story is gonna get intense from here onwards. The chapters are also gonna be longer so ENJOY :) Also there is violence and strong language ahead (translations at the end), you've been advised.

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Darkness. That's all I saw when I came to consciousness again, oh god am I blind? 

"You're not blind" A manly voice said, I heard feet shuffling coming my way then a black bag was lifted off my head, I blinked about a million times before my eyes adjusted and I saw him.

"And for someone who's supposed to be unconscious you sure do fucking talk a lot!" the scary looking man barked, he was bald, had a scar on his cheek and an accent.

It was all starting to come back to me, the flash drive and the things I saw there, I went to the store to get a burner phone because I had decided to let the authorities know what was in that flash drive, I came back to the apartment found my broken laptop then a man attacked me and that was the last thing I remembered doing.

I took in the layout of where I was, it was still relatively dark but the moonlight shined through the windows on the industrial ceiling. It had rusty pipes that were annoyingly dripping water in clock-work intervals. Some small pendants were hanging by worn out wires and will power, most of them weren't even working. Pigeons were sleeping on the beams, some were flying and getting electrocuted by the exposed wires. I flinched as one pigeon fell to the ground from the shock.

In the distance I saw racks stacked with old and broken cargo boxes. Big moving carts were randomly scattered around the place and next to the cracked walls. The place looked abandoned. I quickly looked up at the man to see if he was the one who attacked me in my apartment but I wasn't sure. I wasn't able to take a clear look at that bastard.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" I tried to steady my voice, "It's not what I want with you sweetheart, boss' orders" The man answered. What boss? 

"He'll be here soon, now BE QUIET!" The scary man shouted causing me to wince.

Was I talking out loud again?

Wow, I really lost control over my mouth completely. I tried to get up but I was tied to a chair with my hands behind my back. Screaming would be a bad idea as I have learned from past experience.

"I don't know anything. Please just let me go and I'll pretend this never happened. I promise!" I begged the man who was a few feet away from me but he wasn't even listening, it was like I'm not even in the room so I just gave up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, to calm myself, at least a little bit.

Breathe, Don't cry. 

I kept repeating the mantra over and over again until a very loud door opened. I looked up to my right to see a man wearing a white suit and a fedora walked in with his cane, he wreaked of smoke. Is this? I squinted as I looked over the man. I recognized him.

It's that man, one of the older looking men from the restaurant, could he be Lorenzo Vitale? I had a horrible feeling about him but I shook it off. I could not show fear or weakness, not here.

"Buonasera Signorina Fest. My name is Santos Russo" He introduced himself in a very polite manner, totally not criminal-ly at all. I almost smiled back at him. Wait did he just say Russo? Like Wizards of Waverly Place?


Okay, I did Not just call my kidnapper and possible murderer 'Cool'.

The man looked at me for a bit then he asked me "Do you know why you're here, Signorina?"He asked and he definitely had an accent, "Not really but I bet you're gonna tell me" I shot back quite surprising myself.

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