35. Exhale - Part 2.

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"Good God! This feels real!" I shouted not able to take the pain in my body anymore. It felt like somebody was grabbing every inch of skin in me and pulled it out, skinning me alive. I felt my veins popping, hot blood running through them. My legs were shaking uncontrollably and my heartbeat was skyrocketing.

"Please, just kill me. End this!"

I begged Santos but he stood back and stared at me, amusement in his eyes. The bastard must enjoy seeing me suffer at his own hands, he must love me begging him.


"It's what you want isn't it? I shot you. I know what your father did. I know where he's buried and I know what your plan is!" I shouted in his face, the sound of the chains filled the empty room. I watched Santos stay still, hands on his cane and staring at me.

"If you want to die, I will grant you that wish soon. I'm just waiting for my friend. I think he will suffer immensely watching the life draining from your sneaky, treacherous eyes" Santos barked as he slowly approached me, roughly grabbing my jaw and forcing me to look up at him.

My mind snapped to Lorenzo. Was he here? Did he find me?

What if Santos had caught Lorenzo too? I couldn't live with myself if something happened to him because of me. I would never forgive myself.

"Leave Lorenzo out of this. This is between you and me Russo!" I barked through gritted teeth, looking up at Santos. His eyes went wide and then his lips began twitching before a vicious grin stretched onto his face,

"Don't tell me, you fell in love with him?!" He accused and I yanked my jaw from his harsh grip. He clapped his hands and started laughing hysterically, circling me as he did so. My eyes followed him, fearing he will pull the lever again and probably killing me this time.

"So you fall in love with the son of the man who killed your father? That's a new low, Skyler" He talked slowly as if trying to test the words out.

My father?

Santos then barked an order that sent his human clothing hanger stand, to walk out the door. Leaving me alone with my fears and Santos Russo.

"You knew my dad?" I asked, curiosity and shock engulfing my tone.

"No. But your father-in-law did!" Santos answered and I furrowed my eyebrows, forgetting about the crippling pain that was in all over my body.

"But, how—" I got cut off by Santos swinging his cane at my stomach. The blow caused me to fall down but I was still hung from the ceiling. I coughed out in pain. I couldn't take this anymore.

"Enough of you" Santos barked then he raised his cane and pulled the cane out of the cane. I was in confusion until I saw the cover being pulled back, revealing a long, skinny, shiny, silver sword!

"Is that what the cane is for?!" I expressed my thoughts as Santos then stood back and swung the cane to literally slay me and kill me, but not before yelling

"Marcisci all'inferno, puttana!"

I closed my eyes, ready for death to embrace me thinking it could not be worse than this, when, a loud gunshot interrupted. My eyes flew open at the sound. The door swung open again, hard to the point where it hit the adjacent wall. Then, the man from earlier stumbled to the room.

What was strange was that he was wearing Santos' blazer and fedora. The man was looking ahead, he walked slowly, almost tripping a few times before finally tumbling down to the floor. The hat fell off and a large pool of blood oozed out of his head, announcing his death.

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