36. Re-adjusting to Reality.

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3 Months Later.

"I still can't get used to you waking up before me" Rima's voice came from behind me as she walked out from her bedroom. I was already in the kitchen making breakfast for us.

"AND you're cooking? It's not even 8 am yet, I must be dreaming" Rima exclaimed and pinched herself as I fried some eggs for me and her. I was making eggs Benedict, her favorite. 

"You are wide awake my friend!" I turned around and smiled as I went to wash my hands in the sink, "I got used to waking up early. At 6, Chris and I went for a morning jog before having some energy shakes and then we trained for hours, it was like that every day for two months" I explained as I dried my hands.

It was around 7:40 in the morning and I had already been up, gone on my morning jog, showered and finished making breakfast. I feel so productive.

"Chris, was that the blonde one?" Rima asked as she started making herself coffee, 

"Yeah. He's the coolest guy I've ever met. Full of surprises, I just wish you knew him" I say feeling a little sad as I remembered my time at the mansion. I wasn't there for a long time but I made really strong connections with the people there.


I found myself thinking about him a lot lately. The last time I saw him was in the backseat of the getaway truck when we escaped Santos Russo. I fell asleep on his shoulder as the ride was endless and I was exhausted.

I later found out, they dropped me off at the hospital and left my mom's phone number. The hospital informed her that her unconscious, electrocuted and badly injured daughter was brought to them and she rushed to see me.

I was put in an induced coma because I had prolonged damage on my muscles from the electro shocks. By the time I woke up, all our stuff from Lorenzo's were delivered back to mom's house and our apartment. And just like that, the Vitale Mafia disappeared from our lives without a trace, no phone numbers, no emails, nothing. Poof, they were gone. 

"Earth to Skylerrr, where are you?" Rima's voice came through my ears again, I flinched and turned my head to the side to see her snapping her fingers in my face, 

"What?" I ask in a daze still. She had a panic-filled look on her face, "Oh no! Are you having trouble remembering who I am? Is this a side effect of being electrocuted?" Rima placed her hand on her chest and her other hand on my shoulder.

I decided to play a harmless little prank on her so I looked at her like she was a complete stranger to me, "D-do I know y-you? Why are you in my house miss?" I stammered while slowly backing away from her,

Rima's eyes started sparkling as she realized that I had gone senile, I couldn't keep my grin from coming up on my face and I burst into a fit of laughter.

I bent down, holding my stomach and Rima slapped my back, "You bitch! Never scare me like that again or one of those days I'll stop caring" She threatened as she went back to grab us two bottles of water.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I Am Fine. Doctor said I was gonna have trouble sleeping but that was only the first month after I left the hospital. My insomnia is gone, you need to worry less" I reassured her for the millionth time as I drank my water.

I was thankful that I was completely healed now, although sometimes I still have nightmares about it, I'm all better now. At least physically. 

"Hey! Wanna do the honors?" I excitedly jumped as I made my way to stand beside our awesome new neon sign for our new apartment.

Oh right, Rima and I moved to another apartment. This was in a complex, it was safer, bigger, prettier, closer to work And it had the most amazing view of Seattle.

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