38. Starry Night.

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"Thank God it's Friday!" I exclaimed as Rima and I walked into Crimson at 9 AM sharp.

"Wrong food chain" Rima corrected as we headed back to the employees' lounge and got ready for work.

"Okay people, we have a busy schedule today so put your pretty faces on and get to work. Rima, you're working the first floor today. You and Evan are on top"

Evan winked and smiled at Rima, showing off his recently whitened teeth. We all snorted and giggled at the sexual innuendo Matty just barked. Did he really not hear himself?

"So you're on top huh?" I tease as Rima and I went to grab our notebooks, she threw me a side glance, "Does that mean Ace is on the bottom?" I further teased and she slapped my shoulder with her notepad.

"I wish, and pretty soon he will be" Rima smiled devilishly and I whistled making a burnt fingers gesture with my hand.

"If  he calls me that is" Rima sighed as we walked out together, "He'll call. He was totally into you the other night when he came over" I tried reassuring her but she let out another frustrated sigh,

"When? Isn't he in the Mafia? How hard can it be to find my number?" She threw her hands in the air.

Rima and Ace were meant for each other, it was too obvious. He wouldn't stop staring at her when he came over and he said he'll call her when she walked him out.

"Dude, he will come crawling at your feet, you'll see" I winked at her and she rolled her eyes in disbelief, "How do you know?"

"I just do! Men always come crawling back. Remember how I told you that Santos was crawling at my feet when he kidnapped me?" I refreshed her memory and mine too. Every time I remembered what happened that horrible night, it was easier for me to let it go.

Rima scrunched her face in confusion, "He didn't crawl because he Wanted you, it was because Lorenzo shot him in his leg!" She corrected and I nonchalantly waved her off,

"Potato, Potato, same thing. My point is, he will call you" I stopped as we reached the stairs and Rima went to the first floor for her shift, 

"I hope you're right, bye" We said goodbye and left to do our jobs.

The whole day has been busy, every two minutes someone new walked in, had to be seated, served with food and then we had to quickly clear their table because another party was waiting to be seated.

I was coming out of the counter area with a new notepad because my first one was maxed out, when I saw a familiar vulture walking in, in high heels, a fur coat and a dog strapped to her leg.

Mrs. Hills!

She was seated in my section and I groaned in frustration. I looked up at the ceiling and whispered, "Thanks a lot!"

I fixed my hair and grabbed my pen. "Hello, are you ready to order?" I smiled sweetly at her. She stopped brushing the dog's hair and looked up at me, she scrunched her face as she looked at me up and down before taking a sip from her water.

She started at my exposed décolletage and my necklace, "Button your shirt, dear. This is a restaurant, not a Brothel!"

My eyes went bigger for a second and I contemplated putting laxatives inside whatever she was about to order. Then I remembered that this is just who she was. I really shouldn't have been surprised, I've heard worse things from her. I guess it's just been too long since I last saw her.

I smiled again while buttoning up one button on my shirt, "Thank you for maintaining my dignity, Ma'am".

I purposely called her 'Ma'am'. She hated it, it made her feel older than she was. She looked down and fixed her scarf on her neck then flipped her hair before looking up at me again, 

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