3. Note to Self: NEVER Take the Night Shift!

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I placed their order in the kitchen then went to the bar, "Two neat glasses of scotch and another bottle of Sangio-I can't pronounce it but it's that fancy wine with the red sticker" I say to Rima as I pointed to the bottle. She had her mind elsewhere and barely spared me a glance. 

"Earth to Rima?" I snap my fingers to get her attention, She blinked a couple times before responding "Sorry but check it out, 2 o'clock".

I turned to look and saw a familiar face, "It's Hottie on the Right!" I exclaimed with surprise, I recognized him from yesterday. Still a Hottie. 

"Yeah, but check his waistband" Rima whispered and I looked closer and I saw an outline of a gun, What the, who the hell are these people? 

Are they the mob or something? Is this The Godfather reenactment or something? I internally started to freak out.

"Do you think they're the mob or something?" Rima voiced my thoughts again as she went to get the wine and glasses and poured whiskey in two other glasses. To be honest they looked so scary and professional and organized just like how a mob Would  look like but I didn't want to jump to conclusions so I brushed off her paranoia.

"I don't know, I mean they could just be really important businessmen and important people need bodyguards, don't they?" I ask feeling optimistic because I didn't want to believe these people are dangerous even though they look one hundred thousand percent dangerous. 

"And come on, in this dim lighting, That doesn't Really look like a gun, he could just be turned on for all we know" I laughed trying to making Rima feel better and she laughed "Yeah, I hope you're right".

I brought the drinks over to their table and as I approached them I heard them talking in a different language I couldn't recognize, they stopped talking as soon as I reached the table.

I poured two glasses of wine and handed them to the two men on the right. They thanked me and one of them grabbed my hand, before I could pull away, he kissed it and said "Grazie, Bella" in a low tone with a smirk. From the corner of my eye I saw Fedora-man tense up at this act so I quickly smiled and pulled my hand away trying not to wipe the back of it against my apron. His moustache was so gruff like a cactus against my skin.

Then I picked up the scotch glasses and placed one in front of the man in the full white suit and the last one in front of Fedora-man. when I reached him, I noticed his hat was on the table and I got a clearer view of his features. I just had to stop and stare.

He is fucking gorgeous.

Gorgeousness over-load. My heart-drive can't take it.

Jet black hair that looks so neat and thick, I just wanted to run my hands all over it and mess it up. His eyes were extremely light hazel eyes that seemed to pierce through my soul, and I noticed a red cut under his brow and above his left eye. It seemed like a fresh cut giving him that hot and dangerous look. His stubble made his jaw even more defined and just added to his overall sexiness,

"Can I have my glass now?" he growled in a calm deep voice that just knocks the wind out of me, I blink a couple of times before realizing my hand, frozen in the air, holding his drink.

I muttered a 'Sorry' but who was I kidding? I was not a even little bit sorry for checking him out, he was truly a sight to behold. His accent was noticeable, not as much as the others but one look at him and you can tell he's not really from around here. He's too beautiful and exotic looking to be a local.

I turned to go back to the bar and wait for their food with Rima, "I just saw the most beautiful man on earth. It's truly a privilege to work here" I say while gushing and placing my elbows on the counter facing the lounge. Rima didn't reply so I turned to her, that's when I noticed her head was elsewhere, "Rima, what's wrong?"

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