9. The Wrong Choice.

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I came face to face with a pissed off Lorenzo. His jaw was clenched, nose flaring, his eyebrows were furrowed but I didn't know what to say so I just stared and waited for him to say something.

When you barge into someone's house in the middle of the night without warning, you're pretty much obliged to say something to justify why you're at said person's house, apparently the mafioso in front of me didn't get the memo.

I was still waiting for him to say something but he just stared back and he wasn't blinking either. Suddenly, the realization hit me like a curve ball that I'm in a staring contest with a very dangerous man, a man who basically broke into my house.

That's not true you opened the door.

Yeah but I didn't invite him in.

But you opened the door.

Shut up!

I decided to break this dumbass staring contest because something tells me he's not the 'back off easy and no one gets hurt' type, "What are you doing here? How did you even find me?" And why do you look so god damn handsome when you are pissed off, but of course I didn't ask that out loud.

"I have my ways" He answered coldly,

"What does that even mean? And what the hell are you doing here?" I asked again quietly, the last thing I want is my mom waking up and finding out about whatever this is.

"You ran away, I'm here to bring you back" He - again- answered only the second question and that annoyed me to the core. He blew the smoke again before throwing the cigar on the ground and I scrunched my face in disgust. 

Wait a minute. Bring me back?

Suddenly, all the hair on my body stood still transforming me into a very scared Skyler. I wanted to slam the door on his face, run upstairs, hide under my covers and call the police. That's not a bad plan, I should do that.

I grabbed the door handle again and slammed it as hard as I can but the door never shut, next thing I know, Lorenzo's pinky ring came into my view as he swung the door back open while still staring and walking in toward me.

Panic filled me as I took a step back, "Come out" he ordered in a low voice that made my poor scared nerves jump again with fear. "This is my house you get out" I took another step back and he took another step toward me.

"Get out or I'll call the police, this is breaking and entering, Vitale" I threatened narrowing my eyes at him to look intimidating. He chuckled, like actually chuckled as if he's making fun of me, lousy bastard.

"Go ahead. Try! But you won't live long to see them arriving to your rescue" He said smugly. Oh how I wanna smack that smug look off your gorgeous face.

"Now, this is the last time I'll say it. Come. Out. Now. Or you'll regret what's coming to you" He gave a final warning but I wasn't going to budge. His eyes flickered to something behind my shoulder but I didn't pay attention to what might be behind me. That was a mistake.

"I don't respond well to threats, you're gonna have to drag me out of here, Lorenzo" I stood my ground, I even dragged his name just to piss him off even more because why not?

"Suit yourself, but remember you chose what's gonna happen to you next" He replied and my heart rate skyrocketed. I tried my best not to shit my pants, what the hell is that supposed to mean?

Next thing I know I'm being held back by someone strong as fuck. This dude came from behind me and he had a death grip on my waist and his other hand came around my face and clamped my mouth shut.

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