2. Mysterious Mystery.

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The rest of the day went by smoothly, nothing really happened. We asked Matty what the Hotties told him and at first, he yelled at us for being nosy then told us anyway. Such a hypocrite. They wanted to make a "private arrangement" which basically meant they wanted to have a private dinner at Crimson.

Private dinners are not that frequent because we have to close down the restaurant for the dinner party, and most of the people that come to Crimson usually Want others to see them eating there to raise their social status. It's incredibly vain but it's the norm.

When a person asks for a private dinner, the restaurant closes early for preparations, most of the staff are asked to go back home early. The workers are brought down to 1 or 2 waiters, the chef with a couple of assistants, and the manager. Matty asked Rima and me to stay behind to serve the guests tonight.

It was still early for us to go to work, we had a couple of hours to kill before getting ready to leave for Crimson so I was sitting in the living room, just chilling on the couch not really doing anything and being a sloth. My phone rings, and I see the word 'Mamita' pop on my screen. With a groan, I answered being as cheerful as I can be before my mood morphs into annoyed.

"The Sky is the limit, how may I help you?!" I answer the call with my cheesy opening line. Everyone hates it which makes me love it even more.

"Skyler, how are you doing sweetie? On second thought I shouldn't call you sweetie because a sweetie would Call her mother every now and again and ask about her" My dramatic mom reprimanded as usual, "I'm sorry mom. I'll be better".

"Thank you dear, so how's life treating ya? How's Rima? Any special man in your life yet?" My mom, as usual, drowns me with questions but at this point I'm used to her over-talkative ways, I started playing with my belly button ring as I answered her questions,

"I'm doing great, life's good, Rima's good she's actually out running errands right now and NO there is no one in my life" I proudly replied and By Order. It's a talent I've developed over the years of being Geneviève's daughter. "Honey, you should hurry up and find yourself a man. I want grandchildren and you're running out of time!"

My mother ladies and gentlemen.

"I'm only twenty four" I deadpan with my eyes closed "Exactly! You're not getting any younger dear",

"Mom, why are you really calling me?" I squinted feeling myself getting tired of this game, it's literally all we talk about. She always mocks my inability to meet men when she wants to hook me up with someone.

"Well since you asked soo kindly, I called to tell you about a possible romantic partner for you" I face-palmed while listening, not again

"Mom, has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, I don't really want to meet anyone because I'm not ready for a serious relationship?" I tried to reason with my unreasonable mother. I don't know what I was thinking.

"Honey, I know you're still not over Liam, but forget the past. It was cruel what he did to you but you shouldn't live your life scared of love. You need to get out there and give it another shot. Love is such a beautiful thing honey, I would hate for you to miss out on it" My mother was emotionally gushing behind the phone while I was feeling an ache creeping up the left side of my head.

Liam was my ex-boyfriend, we dated in college for 3 years, he was the first guy I was intimate with and I thought he was the one. Then one day he broke up with me out of the blue. I never understood at first but a couple of weeks later we got an invitation to his wedding. The bastard even had the nerve to invite me. 

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