32. Late Night Snacks.

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Long chapter today, woo hoo. P.S. This is not Lorenzo, but I love his hair.


"Show Me his Picture!" My mother shouted in my ear for the 10th time in a row. "No!" I refused for the millionth time in a row. I finished with Chris and Jared early, that gave me enough time to spend the whole day here with my mother, a decision I was coming to regret severely.

"Please" My mother give me her best sad puppy eyes, I merely took a sip of my hot tea as I ignored her burning gaze. "Mom, even if I wanted to show you his picture, I can't. I don't have any pictures of Lorenzo. Who do you think I am? A stalker or something?" I tried to reason with my unreasonable mother.

Ever since that day I told her I liked Lorenzo she's been up my butt about it. She took every chance to bring him up and it was getting super frustrating, it was like my first crush in grade school all over again. 

As I ran my hands through the soft velvet on the cushion that was sitting on my lap, I suddenly realized...This wasn't here before.


"Yeah!" My mother slowly spoke as she slyly took a sip of her tea avoiding eye contact. She wouldn't have. She couldn't have.

"Mom, did you put these pillows here?" I asked slowly, fearing for her answer, "I don't know what you are talking about" She ignored while looking up at the ceiling. I started looking around the living room when it dawned on me, this berry carpet wasn't here before either.

It was new. So are those two brass tables over there by the entrance to the living room. I stood up, searching the house for any newly added furniture,

"Mom! Did You Redecorate this living room?!" I accused as I realized that there are new pieces of furniture popping up all around the house.

"I Did!" My mom squealed as she jumped from her seat. I closed my eyes in frustration and pinched my nose bridge as she started explaining all the new furniture she brought,

"That painting over there in the dining room, matches the color palette perfectly. It's a lot better than that tacky portrait of that old man. Also, these white wool pillows are so much nicer and softer than the bricks that used to be here" My mother explained excitedly.

I placed my palm on my face, "Mom! This isn't our house. You can't just rampage on people's houses and redecorate them without their permission" I reprimanded. I couldn't believe she actually redecorated Lorenzo's safe house. Was she out of her mind?

"Why Not?! It's not like I used his money. I used my own as a thank you for letting us stay with him all this time" My mother reasoned making it seem like Lorenzo should thank her for being totally intrusive and invading his privacy like that.

"Plus, don't you think the place looks harmonious now? It was driving me crazy, imagine living here knowing that the puzzle pieces are off. Oh what satisfaction it was to finally put the them in the correct order" My mom celebrated her accomplishment and I just let out a laugh completely giving up. It was impossible to get my mom to see the boundaries she overstepped.

"You're one of a kind mother" I sighed, not exactly meaning it as a compliment. But she took it that way. "Now, show me your Enzo" She gushed and I rolled my eyes, "He is not My Enzo mom. He's still engaged" I sounded hurt, it was true. Alessia cheated on him To his face but they were still engaged, I didn't understand why.

"Ugh, you won't tell me anything. I'm asking Sandra the next time she comes over" My mom pursed her lips. At the mention of Sandra I glued my lips to my tea mug and looked straight ahead, she still doesn't know about the whole shooting accident. I stayed quiet.

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